NCEAS 25th Anniversary Fall Seminar Series
Join us this Fall!
In celebration of our 25th Anniversary, the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) held a series of presentations and panel discussions showcasing how our big-picture, solutions-oriented approach leads to transformational scientific discovery. NCEAS pioneered the working group model as a way to convene experts around important ecological challenges to share knowledge, accelerate discovery, and advance solutions. Over the last 25 years, NCEAS has hosted over 8,000 researchers from 75 countries around the world. The scope of understanding enabled by the working group approach, in tandem with innovative partnerships and training programs, positions NCEAS’ science to catalyze and inform on-the-ground conservation efforts that benefit people and nature. Join us for this 3-part lecture series showcasing some of the people and programs - from postdoctoral research fellows to creative working groups and partnerships - that have helped NCEAS accelerate environmental discovery.
Watch a recording of all of these events here

For questions, please contact Chelsea Wormington at