LTER Synthesis Webinar Series

What have the Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) synthesis working groups been learning? The LTER Network Communications Office and NCEAS are co-hosting a webinar series that will highlight the progress and process of these groups.
The webinars will take place on the second Thursday of each month at 11am Pacific Standard Time.
Learn more and register on the LTER website >>
The line-up
January 11
The Science of Team Science: Lessons from Synthesis Centers
Speaker: Stephanie Hampton
February 8
Building Capacity for Increased Interactions between Modelers and Empiricists
Speakers: Kimberly La Pierre, Meghan Avolio, and Kevin Wilcox
March 8
Stream Elemental Cycling: Global Patterns in Stream Energy and Nutrient Cycling
Speaker: Adam Wymore
April 12
Scaling-Up Productivity Responses to Changes in Biodiversity
Speakers: Forest Isbell and Laura Dee
May 10
Using Long Term Data to Understand Links between Environmental Variability and Metacommunity Stability
Speaker: Eric Sokol
June 7
Synthesizing Population and Community Synchrony to Understand Drivers of Ecological Stability across LTER Sites (tentative title)
Speakers: Lauren Hallett, Daniel Reumann, and Katharine Suding