Three LTER Synthesis Working Groups Selected
Operated by NCEAS, the Long Term Ecological Research Network Communications Office (LTER NCO) aims to foster enhanced communication, collaboration, synthesis, training, and engagement across the LTER network. As part of this mission, the NCO has selected three Synthesis Working Group Proposals for funding.
One of the funded proposals compares stream chemistry data from 19 sites to understand what factors affect the linked breakdown and use of carbon and nitrogen in streams. Another will clarify how landscape diversity and metacommunities affect the stability of ecosystems. A third will take advantage of the replication of similar experiments at multiple sites to explore the linkages between resources, plant community structure, and carbon storage.
January’s call for proposals elicited a group of highly competitive proposals that together harnessed data from all 25 LTER sites. Selection was based on scientific merit, contribution to LTER Network science, use of novel approaches, and rationale for involving the NCO and NCEAS.
"We were particularly pleased to see the number and quality of applications from early-career researchers. The energy and ideas that are emerging from the LTER graduate student and postdoc community promise great things for the future of ecology."
– Jenn Caselle, Synthesis Lead
Congratulations to the investigators funded at this time:
Stream Elemental Cycling: Global Patterns in Stream Energy and Nutrient Cycling
- Project PIs: Adam Wymore (Luquillo LTER) and Sujay Causal (Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER)
A Synthesis to Identify How Metacommunity Dynamics Mediate Community Responses to Disturbance Across the Ecosystems Represented in the LTER Network
- Project PIs: Eric R. Sokol (McMurdo Dry Valleys LTER), Christopher M. Swan (Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER), and Nathan I. Wisnoski (Andrews Forest LTER)
Integrating Plant Community and Ecosystem Responses to Chronic Global Change Drivers: Toward an Explanation of Patterns and Improved Global Predictions
- Project PIs: Kimberly J. La Pierre (Konza Prairie and Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve LTERs), Meghan L. Avolio (Konza Prairie LTER) and Kevin R. Wilcox (Konza Praire LTER)
Many thoughtful and innovative proposals could not be supported in this round of funding. The NCO expects to issue a new RFP in July 2016 and will encourage both new submissions as well as revised proposals.