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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

We propose a working group, including an NCEAS postdoc, configured to fill a series of critical gaps in our ability to quantify and understand the carbon balance of large regions. The working group will focus on three topics that are ripe for progress and where the current state of the science falls far short of the requirements for useful practical application or basic understanding. The focal topics are current land use, past land use, and disturbance. The working group will meet in one workshop on each of these topics, with a fourth workshop on integrated estimates of the carbon balance of Eurasia and North America. At each workshop, we will (1) review the status of the data (2) evaluate strategies for integrating to the continental scale, and (3) consider approaches for constraining estimates with observations. We propose an approach that is synthesis at a number of levels. It will synthesize the role in carbon balance of three factors in time and space. And it will expand the suite of processes represented in large-scale carbon balance models.

We propose a working group, including an NCEAS postdoc, configured to fill a series of critical gaps in our ability to quantify and understand the carbon balance of large regions. The working group will focus on three topics that are ripe for progress and where the current state of the science falls far short of the requirements for useful practical application or basic understanding. The focal topics are current land use, past land use, and disturbance. The working group will meet in one workshop on each of these topics, with a fourth workshop on integrated estimates of the carbon balance of Eurasia and North America. At each workshop, we will (1) review the status of the data (2) evaluate strategies for integrating to the continental scale, and (3) consider approaches for constraining estimates with observations. We propose an approach that is synthesis at a number of levels. It will synthesize the role in carbon balance of three factors likely to be critically important. It will scale these factors in time and space. And it will expand the suite of processes represented in large-scale carbon balance models.

This activity is a component of the GCTE Terrestrial Carbon Initiative.

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Christopher B. Field, Mark Harmon, Elisabeth A. Holland, Gundolf Kohlmaier

Project Dates

Start: September 27, 1999

End: September 14, 2002



Michael Apps
Canadian Forest Service
Richard A. Birdsey
US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Alberte Bondeau
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Sharon A. Cowling
University of California, Santa Barbara
Wolfgang Cramer
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Ruth S. DeFries
University of Maryland, College Park
Jim Ehleringer
University of Utah
Christopher B. Field
Carnegie Institution
Jon Foley
University of Wisconsin
Christine L. Goodale
Carnegie Institution
Michael Goulden
University of California, Irvine
Mark Harmon
Oregon State University
Linda S. Heath
USDA Forest Service
Elisabeth A. Holland
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Richard A. Houghton
Woods Hole Research Center
Joanna I. House
Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemisty
Jennifer Jenkins
USDA Forest Service
Joerg Kaduk
Carnegie Institution
Deepak B. Khatry
Carnegie Institution
Gundolf Kohlmaier
Carnegie Institution
Rik Leemans
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Marcus Lindner
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Shirong Liu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Florent Mouillot
Carnegie Institution
Gert-Jan Nabuurs
ALTERRA, Green World Research
Sten Nilsson
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Stephen W. Pacala
Princeton University
Louis F. Pitelka
University of Maryland
Steven W. Running
University of Montana
Mart-Jan Schelhaas
ALTERRA, Green World Research
David W. Schimel
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Stephen Sitch
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
David Skole
Michigan State University


  1. Report or White Paper / 2001

    Shift from deciduous to coniferous forest in southern Scandinavia driven by climate change and land-use interactions

  2. Presentations / 2001

    Biogeosciences at the threshold, March 2001

  3. Report or White Paper / 2001

    Earth Day folly: Fossil fuels and the ozone hole

  4. Presentations / 2001

    Topic: Carbon balance, December 2001

  5. Presentations / 2001

    Topic: Carbon balance, December 2001

  6. Presentations / 2001

    Topic: Carbon balance, January 2001

  7. Presentations / 2001

    Topic: Carbon balance, July 2001

  8. Presentations / 2001

    Topic: Carbon balance, November 2001

  9. Presentations / 2001

    Topic: Carbon balance, November 2001

  10. Presentations / 2002

    Conservation strategies in the Andes: Incorporating paleo, modelling and field perspectives, January 2002

  11. Presentations / 2002

    Plant physiology, CO2 and palaeovegetation

  12. Journal Article / 2003

    Environmental control of leaf area production: Implications for vegetation and land-surface modeling

  13. Presentations / 2000

    A common framework for the Forest Carbon Budget of Eurasia and North America

  14. Journal Article / 2002

    Forest carbon sinks in the Northern Hemisphere

  15. Presentations / 1999

    Wood energy in the industrialized world: Present status and potential contribution to CO2 mitigation - technology, economy and policy issues

  16. Report or White Paper / 2002

    Age class and standing stock development of high forests in the temperate and boreal zone until 2100: Considering different wood and CO2 managment strategies - six country study USA, Canada, Russian Federation, Germany, Austria and Finland

  17. Report or White Paper / 2002

    Climate impact under the IPCC scenarios S-92a and S-450 on the vegetation with focus on temperate forests between 1975 and 2100

  18. Report or White Paper / 2004

    Global aspects of the CO2 and wood option: Current use and future potentials of fuelwood in relation to fossil fuels and their CO2 emissions

  19. Journal Article / 2007

    Application of the stock change and the production approach to Harvested Wood Products in the EU-15 countries: A comparative analysis

  20. Journal Article / 2008

    Carbon stocks and greenhouse gas balance of harvested wood products: Focus on the Asia-Pacific Partnership countries vis-a-vis the European Union

  21. Presentations / 2011

    The Fate of Harvested Wood Products HWP in a Growing World (2005 and 2030): Biomass Feedstock, Material Recycling or Discard into Solid Waste Disposal Sites with the Risk of Methane Formation

  22. Journal Article / 2001

    Consistent land- and atmosphere-based U.S. carbon sink estimates