Collaborative Research: ABI Development: A toolbox for analysis of long-term ecological dynamics using the Kepler Workflow System
Project Description
As ecologists continue to gather long-term data at site, regional, continental and global scales, there will be an increasing need for tools to measure the pattern and rate of change in plant and animal communities in response to multiple environmental drivers. The National Science Foundation (NSF) Advances in Biological Informatics (ABI) program has recently funded the NCEAS Informatics team and collaborators to gather together multiple metrics of ecological dynamics into one toolbox that will provide ecologists with a new set of tools for quantifying how communities change over time. Their approach builds upon many recent informatics developments (Kepler, DataONE, and Ecological Metadata Language) to advance ecological research. The toolbox will make community analysis more accessible, expose a variety of indices to wider use, and, with existing workflows, will help reduce data preparation efforts and foster unprecedented potential for collaboration.

Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates
Start: April 1, 2013
End: March 31, 2017
- Ilkay Altintas
- University of California, San Diego
- Meghan L. Avolio
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
- Carl Boettiger
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- Sam Christel
- University of Wisconsin
- Erica Christensen
- Utah State University
- Elsa E. Cleland
- University of California, San Diego
- Scott L. Collins
- University of New Mexico
- Samuel Fey
- Dartmouth College
- Corinna Gries
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Lauren M. Hallett
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- W. Stanley Harpole
- Iowa State University
- David J. Harris
- University of California, Davis
- Matthew B. Jones
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Sydney Jones
- University of New Mexico
- Sally E. Koerner
- University of South Florida
- Kimberly J. Komatsu
- University of California, Berkeley
- Laura Ladwig
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Andrew MacDonald
- University of British Columbia
- Jenny Noble
- University of New Mexico
- Julie Ripplinger
- Arizona State University
- Andrew L. Rypel
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- David Seekel
- University of Virginia
- Elizabeth Siddon
- University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- Peter Slaughter
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Eric R. Sokol
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Elizabeth M. Wolkovich
- Harvard University
Journal Article / 2018
Temporal heterogeneity increases with spatial heterogeneity in ecological communities
Journal Article / 2016
Codyn: An R package of community dynamics metrics