NCEAS Working Groups
Comparative ecology of cities: What makes an urban biota “urban”?
Project Description
Urban landscapes are rapidly expanding globally and over 50% of humanity now lives in cities. Because the majority of human settlements are in areas of high biodiversity, the rapid urbanization of the world has profound effects on global biodiversity. Few generalizations, however, have been derived to account for the patterns and drivers of urban biota and there are even fewer global comparative studies. Yet a comparative approach to studying urban biota is needed to understand, preserve, and monitor biodiversity in cities. In this working group, we ask the overarching question: “What makes an urban biota ‘urban’?” and with that, “Are the patterns of urban biota and the processes that shape them the same across the world’s cities?” This project will analyze data on birds and plants from cities in the northern and southern hemispheres, cities new and old, cities from developed and developing countries, and cities that have developed under different planning practices. Outcomes from these analyses will not only help to push forward our understanding of the ecology of cities, but will also provide useful information to planners and managers for the monitoring and preservation of biodiversity in urban regions.
This research aims to: 1. Compile and synthesize large, diverse datasets of the flora and avifauna of cities around the world; 2. Compare the patterns and ecological responses of birds and plants in urban habitats; 3. Understand the social constraints on biodiversity in cities; and 4. Develop recommendations for monitoring biodiversity in urban areas.
Principal Investigator(s)
Myla Aronson, Madhusudan Katti, Charles H. Nilon, Paige S. Warren
Project Dates
Start: January 1, 2011
End: January 21, 2012
- Myla Aronson
- Hofstra University
- Mary L. Cadenasso
- Sarel Cilliers
- North-West University
- Bruce Clarkson
- University of Waikato
- Cynnamon Dobbs-Brown
- University of Melbourne
- Mark Goddard
- University of Leeds
- Marcus Hedblom
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Madhusudan Katti
- California State University, Fresno
- Ingolf Kühn
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
- Frank A. La Sorte
- Cornell University
- Christopher A. Lepczyk
- University of Hawaii, Mānoa
- Jip Louwe Kooijmans
- Netherlands Society for the Protection of Birds
- Ian MacGregor
- Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (INECOL)
- John M. Marzluff
- University of Washington
- Rachel McCaffrey
- University of Arizona
- Mark McDonnell
- University of Melbourne
- Ulla Mörtberg
- Royal Institute of Technology
- Charles H. Nilon
- University of Missouri, Columbia
- Dave Oleyar
- University of Washington
- Stefan Siebert
- North-West University
- Paige S. Warren
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Peter Werner
- Institut Wohnen und Umwelt
- Nicholas S.G. Williams
- University of Melbourne
Journal Article / 2014
A global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers
Book Chapter / 2011
Characterizing biodiversity in urban areas using remote sensing
Journal Article / 2014
Beta diversity of urban floras among European and non-European cities