Complex Population Dynamics
Project Description
Population cycles and other complex population dynamics occur in a wide range of taxa and environments, including temperate and tropical forest insects, marine and freshwater fish and invertebrates, and boreal mammals. Population cycles show enormous variation in amplitude (from less than one to five orders of magnitude), period (from a single generation to 30-50 generations), and the strength of periodicity (ranging from noisy pseudoperiodic or apparently chaotic oscillations to an almost perfect periodicity). In addition, cycles may involve not only the total population abundance, but also other aspects of dynamics, e.g. oscillations in age structure and complex spatio-temporal behaviors, such as synchronous oscillations or periodic traveling waves.
There are many potential explanations for oscillatory population dynamics (in the general sense), with some focusing on intrinsic factors, but most often invoking some aspect of consumer-resource interactions (we briefly review some theoretical and empirical mechanisms by which population cycles can arise in Section 11). The theoretical literature on population cycles is enormous, but there has been no attempt to systematize it and to relate various postulated mechanisms to the oscillatory patterns observed in real populations.
Our long-term goal is to bring order to what is known theoretically and empirically about population cycles. More specifically, we propose to:
- define and classify the range of mechanisms that can induce oscillatory population behavior in theoretical models;
- establish correspondences between theoretical mechanisms that could drive cycles and quantitative descriptors of oscillatory population dynamics (these will be defined in Section 111. 1);
- apply a combination of modeling and statistical techniques to a number of data sets (Section IV) in an attempt to determine which of the possible theoretical mechanisms may be responsible for population oscillations in each particular case.
- attempt to develop general statements about mechanisms that are responsible for cycles in nature, and the conditions under which different mechanisms may operate and different types of oscillatory dynamics may arise.
Previous investigations of population oscillations have utilized primarily two distinct approaches: potential mechanisms have been investigated with mathematical models, while data patterns have been investigated with phenomenological time-series analyses (cycles have also been investigated experimentally, but this approach is not part of our proposal because it falls outside of the scope of the research supported by the Center). We propose to bring together individuals representing both approaches to collaborate on a program in which theoretical model development and statistical analyses of data will be tightly linked. We hope to gain strong synergistic advantages from such a collaboration.

Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates
Start: January 4, 1996
End: December 21, 1998
- Ottar N. Bjornstad
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Robin Bolser
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Cheryl J. Briggs
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Robert F. Costantino
- University of Rhode Island
- Jim M. Cushing
- University of Arizona
- Brian Dennis
- University of Idaho
- Robert A. Desharnais
- California State University, Los Angeles
- Stephen P. Ellner
- North Carolina State University
- Parviez R. Hosseini
- University of California, San Francisco
- Arne Janssen
- University of Amsterdam
- Bruce E. Kendall
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Gretchen LeBuhn
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Edward McCauley
- University of Calgary
- William W. Murdoch
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Roger M. Nisbet
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jens Roland
- University of Alberta
- Eric M. Schauber
- University of Connecticut
- Midori Tuda
- University of Tokyo
- Peter Turchin
- University of Connecticut
- Simon Wood
- University of St. Andrews
Presentations / 1999
Ecology and restoration of California serpentine grasslands
Journal Article / 1997
Inferring mechanism from time-series data: Delay-differential equations
Journal Article / 2001
Habitat structure and population persistence in an experimental community
Journal Article / 2002
Fitting population dynamic models to time-series data by gradient matching
Presentations / 2003
Understanding simple population dynamics: Methods and insects
Presentations / 2005
The dynamical detective: Using nonlinear models to test ecological hypotheses
Journal Article / 2004
Distribution of plants in a California serpentine grassland: Are rocky hummocks spatial refuges for native species?
Presentations / 1999
The role of floral design in pollen dispersal by tristylous (Pontederia cordata)
Presentations / 1996
Inferring causes of population cycles by combining mechanistic models and time-series analysis
Presentations / 1996
Spatial structure and population dynamics: Disentangling the effects of environmental heterogeneity and limited dispersal
Presentations / 1996
Tests to distinguish environmental and demographic stochasticity in survivorship data
Presentations / 1997
Distinguishing environmental and demographic stochasticity: What causes the variation in survival of Acorn Woodpeckers?
Presentations / 1997
Inferring causes of population cycles by combining mechanistic models and time-series analysis
Presentations / 1998
Describing and understanding population fluctuations: Demographic stochasticity, environmental stochasticity, and population cycles
Journal Article / 1998
Estimating the magnitude of environmental stochasticity in survivorship data
Journal Article / 1998
Spatial structure, environmental heterogeneity, and population dynamics: Analysis of the coupled logistic map
Journal Article / 1998
The macroecology of population dynamics: Taxonomic and biogeographic patterns in population cycles
Presentations / 1998
What causes population cycles? Answers from a synthesis of statistical and mechanistic modeling approaches
Presentations / 1998
Why do populations fluctuate, and what can we do about it?
Presentations / 1999
Density-dependent dispersal can destabilize population dynamics
Presentations / 1999
Density-dependent dispersal can destabilize population dynamics
Presentations / 1999
Estimating the magnitude of environmental stochasticity in demographic processes
Presentations / 1999
The ups and down of life: Predicting the fates of small populations in an uncertain, stochastic, and variable world
Journal Article / 1999
Why do populations cycle? A synthesis of statistical and mechanistic modeling approaches
Journal Article / 2005
Population cycles in the pine looper moth: Dynamical tests of mechanistic hypotheses
Journal Article / 2000
Inferring colonization processes from population dynamics in spatially structured predator-prey systems
Report or White Paper / 1998
Complex Population Dynamics Working Group
Journal Article / 2002
Single-species models for many-species food webs
Journal Article / 2003
Natural enemy specialization and the period of population cycles: Reply
Data Set / 1999
Global population dynamics database
Data Set / 2004
The global population dynamics database
Journal Article / 2003
Competition, seed limitation, disturbance, and reestablishment of California native annual forbs
Presentations / 1998
Detecting evolution in a host-parasitoid laboratory system with a nonlinear time-series model
Journal Article / 1998
Evolutionary character changes and population responses in an insect host-parasitoid experimental system
Journal Article / 1998
Evolution of contest competition and its effect on host-parasitoid dynamics
Presentations / 1998
Evolution of contest competition in a host-parasitoid experimental system: Tests on model predictions
Journal Article / 1999
Evolutionary and population dynamics of host-parasitoid interactions
Journal Article / 2005
Complexity, evolution, and persistence in host-parasitoid experimental systems with Callosobruchus beetles as the host
Journal Article / 1999
Population regulation: A synthetic view
Journal Article / 2000
Living on the edge of chaos: Population dynamics of fennoscandian voles
Book Chapter / 2000
Modeling time-series data
Book Chapter / 2002
Population cycles of the larch budmoth in Switzerland
Journal Article / 2003
Dynamical effects of plant quality and parasitism on population cycles of larch budmoth
Journal Article / 1999
Super-sensitivity to structure in biological models