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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

We are requesting funds to support an NCEAS working group that will focus on the development of a theoretical basis for the design and establishment of marine reserves. Although there has been an increase in the number of marine reserves designated to manage marine resources, there has not been a concomitant increase in our understanding of marine reserve theory. As a result, reserve designs have often relied heavily on theory formulated for terrestrial ecosystems or on no theory at all. Recent research on open ecosystems suggests that marine reserves designed using these principles are likely to be ineffective at protecting marine communities over the long term. This fact, along with constantly increasing human pressure on marine ecosystems, indicates that a theory of reserve design specific to marine ecosystems is urgently needed. A multidisciplinary working group organized through NCEAS has the potential to make a significant contribution to our current understanding of marine reserves.

Center Associate: Deborah McArdle
Funding for the support of the Center Associate for the Marine Reserves Working Group is provided by Sea Grant

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Jane Lubchenco, Steven D. Gaines, Stephen R. Palumbi

Project Dates



Gary Allison
Oregon State University
Sandy J. Andelman
University of California, Santa Barbara
James Bohnsack
NOAA, Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Louis W. Botsford
University of California, Davis
George M. Branch
University of Cape Town
Rodrigo Bustamante
Charles Darwin Research Station
Mark H. Carr
University of California, Santa Cruz
Edward Cassano
NOAA, National Marine Sanctuary Channel Islands
Juan Carlos Castilla
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Billy D. Causey
NOAA, National Marine Sanctuary Florida Keys
Felicia Chisolm-Coleman
Florida State University
Renee Davis-Born
Oregon State University
Patty Debenham
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jenifer E. Dugan
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ginny Eckert
University of California, Santa Barbara
Miriam Fernandez
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Dave Fluharty
University of Washington
Rod M. Fujita
Environmental Defense Fund
Steven D. Gaines
University of California, Santa Barbara
Leah R. Gerber
University of Washington
Brian Grantham
Oregon State University
Benjamin S. Halpern
University of California, Santa Barbara
Alan Hastings
University of California
Julie Hawkins
University of York
Eileen Hofmann
Old Dominion University
Edward Houde
University of Maryland
Kevin D. Lafferty
University of California, Santa Barbara
John L. Largier
University of California, San Diego
Heather M. Leslie
Oregon State University
Dale Lockwood
University of California, Davis
Jane Lubchenco
Oregon State University
Deborah McArdle
University of California, Santa Barbara
Fiorenza Micheli
Università di Pisa
Steven Murray
California State University, Fullerton
Joseph E. Neigel
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Elliott A. Norse
Marine Conservation Biology Institute
John C. Ogden
Florida Institute of Oceanography
Stephen R. Palumbi
Harvard University
Ana Maria Parma
International Pacific Halibut Commission
Charles H. Peterson
University of North Carolina
Stuart Pimm
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Hugh P. Possingham
University of Adelaide, Roseworthy
Callum Roberts
University of York
Susan Roberts
Ocean Studies Board, HA-470
Joe Roman
Harvard University
Mary Ruckelshaus
NOAA, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
James Seger
Pacific Fishery Management Council
Alan L. Shanks
University of Oregon
Joshua Sladek-Nowlis
Center for Marine Conservation
Vikki Spruill
Richard R. Strathmann
Friday Harbor Labs
Robert R. Warner
University of California, Santa Barbara
Michael Whitlock
University of British Columbia
James Wilen
University of California, Davis


  1. Journal Article / 2003

    Applying ecological criteria to marine reserve design: A case study from the California Channel Islands

  2. Journal Article / 2003

    Ensuring persistence of marine reserves: Catastrophes require adopting an insurance factor

  3. Journal Article / 1999

    Marine reserves and management of the northern California red sea urchin fishery

  4. Journal Article / 2001

    Dependence of sustainability on the configuration of marine reserves and larval dispersal distance

  5. Journal Article / 2003

    Principles for the design of marine reserves

  6. Journal Article / 2003

    Comparing marine and terrestrial ecosystems: Implications for the design of coastal marine reserves

  7. Journal Article / 2003

    Avoiding current oversights in marine reserve design

  8. Journal Article / 2001

    Review: Conservation biology of Cetaceans in marine communities of Baja California: Science or advocacy?

  9. Journal Article / 2002

    The influence of life history attributes and fishing pressure on the efficacy of marine reserves

  10. Presentations / 2003

    Building on Beverton's legacy: Life history variation and fisheries management

  11. Journal Article / 2003

    Population models for marine reserve design: A retrospective and prospective synthesis

  12. Book Chapter / 2004

    Biological uncertainty and extinction risk for Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus)

  13. Journal Article / 2003

    Dispersal potential of marine invertebrates in diverse habitats

  14. Journal Article / 2002

    Marine reserves have rapid and lasting effects

  15. Journal Article / 2003

    The impact of marine reserves: Do reserves work and does reserve size matter?

  16. Journal Article / 1999

    Equivalence in yield from marine reserves and traditional fisheries management

  17. Journal Article / 2003

    Comparing designs of marine reserves for fisheries and for biodiversity

  18. Journal Article / 2003

    Considerations in estimating larval dispersal distances from oceanographic data

  19. Journal Article / 2003

    Using siting algorithms in the design of marine reserve networks

  20. Journal Article / 2002

    The effects of dispersal patterns on marine reserves: Does the tail wag the dog?

  21. Report or White Paper / 1998

    Developing a Theory of Marine Reserves - Summary of November 1998 Meeting

  22. Report or White Paper / 1998

    Developing the Theory of Marine Reserves - Summary of Meeting 1

  23. Report or White Paper / 1999

    Developing a Theory of Marine Reserves - Summary of May 1999 Meeting

  24. Journal Article / 2003

    Plugging a hole in the ocean: The emerging science of marine reserves

  25. Book Chapter / 2001

    Managing with reserves: Modeling uncertainty in larval dispersal for a sea urchin fishery

  26. Journal Article / 2003

    Species-area relationships and marine conservation

  27. Presentations / 1999

    NCEAS progress

  28. Book Chapter / 2000

    The ecology of marine protected areas

  29. Book / 2002

    Marine Reserves: An Ecosystem Tool for Marine Management and Conservation

  30. Journal Article / 2003

    Population genetics, demographic connectivity, and the design of marine reserves

  31. Report or White Paper / 2000

    Fully-protected marine reserves: A guide

  32. Journal Article / 2001

    Designing marine reserve networks: Why small, isolated protected areas are not enough

  33. Journal Article / 2003

    Application of ecological criteria in selecting marine reserves and developing reserve networks

  34. Journal Article / 2003

    Ecological criteria for evaluating candidate sites for marine reserves

  35. Presentations / 1999

    Using siting algorithms to site reserves

  36. Journal Article / 2003

    Propagule dispersal distance and the size and spacing of marine reserves

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