NCEAS Working Groups
Development of tools for the practical design of marine reserves
Project Description
We propose a working group to examine the general question of moving from theory to
policy, specifically looking at the design of marine reserves, building on the quantitative
results obtained under a previous NCEAS working group, "A Theory of Marine
Reserves", by J. Lubchenco, S. Gaines and S. Palumbi. Whereas the modeling in that
working group was a development of a general theory of marine reserves, the focus of the
working group proposed here will be an application of that theory to specific problems.
Rather than consider ideal optimal reserve configurations, we will study implementing
actual marine reserves, given a specific situation and constraints (i.e., current fishing
rate, current state of the ecosystem, limited area under consideration, uncertainty in larval
dispersal, fisher behavior). The goal will be to develop scientifically sound design tools
that can be used in ongoing and future implementation efforts for reserve systems,
considering reserves designed both to improve fisheries and to conserve natural marine ecosystems. This effort can be viewed as a paradigm for the problem of translating
ecological theory into practical policy applications.

Principal Investigator(s)
Alan Hastings, Louis W. Botsford
Project Dates
Start: January 1, 2002
End: June 1, 2003
- Nancy Baron
- Marissa L. Baskett
- Princeton University
- Louis W. Botsford
- University of California, Davis
- Daniel R. Brumbaugh
- American Museum of Natural History
- Mark H. Carr
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- Jamie M. Cournane
- University of New Hampshire
- Dave Fluharty
- University of Washington
- Steven D. Gaines
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Brian P. Gaylord
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Benjamin S. Halpern
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Alan Hastings
- University of California, Davis
- David Kaplan
- University of California, Davis
- Brian P. Kinlan
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- John L. Largier
- University of California, San Diego
- Margaret A. McManus
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- Fiorenza Micheli
- Stanford University
- Lance Morgan
- Marine Conservation Biology Institute
- Andrew A. Rosenberg
- University of New Hampshire
- Ashley Simons
- Charles Wahle
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Robert R. Warner
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- James Wilen
- University of California, Davis
- Mary Yoklavich
- NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Journal Article / 2006
Predation, competition, and the recovery of overexploited fish stocks in marine reserves
Journal Article / 2007
Designing marine reserves for interacting species: Insights from theory
Journal Article / 2004
Sustainability and yield in marine reserve policy
Journal Article / 2004
Confounding effects of the export of production and the displacement of fishing effort from marine reserves
Journal Article / 2017
Marine reserves solve an important bycatch problem in fisheries
Journal Article / 2005
Effects of variability in spacing of coastal marine reserves on fisheries yield and sustainability
Journal Article / 2004
Trajectories and correlates of community change in no-take marine reserves