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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Ecologists commonly use metaphors to develop their ideas and to communicate them to the public. Unfortunately, by their very nature metaphors may be interpreted in different ways by different constituencies, and this may lead to misunderstanding of ecological concepts. For example, a recent paper in Science (Chew and Laubichler 2003, Science 301: 52-53) reported on the prevalent use of the term �natural enemies� in recent scientific literature. �Natural enemies� and related terms such as exotic and invasive resonate with foreign policy, so it is perhaps unsurprising that some individuals claim that invasive species policy is xenophobic. As another example, consider the challenges that have arisen with the attempt to convince people that �disturbance� is an important and beneficial ecological process. Our NCEAS working group, consisting of ecologists, metaphor researchers, philosophers and science communication scholars, will assess whether there is anything we can do to ameliorate the misinterpretation and misapplication of ecological metaphors. Can we better control which metaphors are used? Is there any way to reduce misinterpretation of established metaphors? Practically, we will develop suggestions for wise metaphor use among ecologists.
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Brendon Larson

Project Dates

Start: April 16, 2004

End: April 16, 2005



Ken Baake
Texas Tech University
Jim Bono
State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo
J. Baird Callicott
University of North Texas
Kim Cuddington
Evelyn Fox Keller
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joseph Grady
Cultural Logic, LLC
Yrjo Haila
University of Tampere
Stuart Hurlbert
San Diego State University
Denise Lach
Oregon State University
George Lakoff
University of California, Berkeley
Brendon Larson
University of California, Santa Barbara
Gregory Mikkelson
McGill University
Timothy C. Rohrer
University of California, San Diego
Charlotte Schell
Portland State University
Lawrence Slobodkin
State University of New York (SUNY), Stony Brook


  1. Book / 2011

    Metaphors for environmental sustainability: Redefining our relationship with nature

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