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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Stoichiometry, the study of the balance of multiple elements in living systems, is increasingly recognized as an integrative axis within ecology and across biological disciplines. We seek to characterize a series of little-explored links between stoichiometry and the spatial distributions and temporal dynamics of arthropods. These issues lie at the interface of macroecology and macrophysiology. We focus on four arthropod groups where different stoichiometric mechanisms likely help determine species-level spatial distributions and/or temporal dynamics. These include three taxonomically defined groups (the Orthoptera [grasshoppers and crickets], the Lepidoptera [butterflies and moths], and the Hymenoptera [ants and bees]) plus one ecologically defined group (troglobites [obligate cave dwellers]). Mechanisms link an arthropod's stoichiometry with its capacities for growth, reproduction, and dispersal. We use these linkages as springboards for testing three hypotheses. First, focusing on orthopterans and lepidopterans, we will characterize how a species' stoichiometry is linked to its tendency to exhibit "outbreak" dynamics and what elements are most important. Second, focusing on hymenopterans and troglobites, we will test how an arthropod's stoichiometric content relates to the breadth of habitats it exploits. Lastly, focusing on orthopterans, hymenopterans, lepidopterans and other arthropods, we will test whether these same stoichiometric mechanisms imply that the elemental content of some species will predispose them to respond to global change via shifts in their geographic ranges. We will address these three issues by characterizing the "intersections" of several ecological databases. Our work will be primarily from an empirical, ecoinformatic perspective; however, we will complement these efforts with theoretical modeling of insect outbreak dynamics in stoichiometrically explicit population models.
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Diane W. Davidson, William F. Fagan

Project Dates

Start: May 9, 2006

End: February 16, 2007



Pedro Barbosa
University of Maryland, College Park
Steven Cook
University of Utah
Diane W. Davidson
University of Utah
Keith Eshleman
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
William F. Fagan
University of Maryland, College Park
Peter Hambäck
Stockholm University
Yun Kang
Arizona State University
Yang Kuang
Arizona State University
Andrew M. Liebhold
USDA Forest Service
Eric Lind
University of Maryland, College Park
Holly M. Martinson
University of Maryland, College Park
Terrence McGlynn
University of San Diego
Todd M. Palmer
University of Florida
Akiko Satake
Princeton University
Katie Schneider
University of Maryland, College Park
Hao Wang
Arizona State University


  1. Journal Article / 2007

    Population and community consequences of spatial subsidies derived from central-place foraging

  2. Data Set / 2008

    Detritivory: stoichiometry of a neglected trophic level data

  3. Data Set / 2008

    Ecological stoichiometry and the spatial distributions and temporal dynamics of arthropods

  4. Journal Article / 2009

    Effects of body size, trophic mode and larval habitat on Diptera stoichiometry: A regional comparison

  5. Journal Article / 2008

    Detritivory: Stoichiometry of a neglected trophic level

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