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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Trees in the city provide a number of benefits that we take for granted as free services. Trees create shade, lessen climate extremes, reduce heating and cooling costs, reduce deaths and injuries from heat stress, provide habitat for wildlife, absorb pollutants, save costs for stormwater and wastewater treatment, and increase real estate values. Recently, a number of municipalities have decided to make their cities greener with new and ambitious tree planting programs. This project will measure ecosystem services, the benefits that
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Christopher G. Boone, Mary L. Cadenasso, J. Morgan Grove, Steward T. Pickett

Project Dates

Start: June 1, 2010

End: December 16, 2011



Christopher G. Boone
Arizona State University
Geoff Buckley
Ohio University
Mary L. Cadenasso
University of California, Davis
Daniel L. Childers
Arizona State University
Kirstin Dow
University of South Carolina
Michail Fragkias
Arizona State University
Nancy B. Grimm
Arizona State University
J. Morgan Grove
USDA Forest Service
Joseph P. McFadden
University of California, Santa Barbara
Melissa R. McHale
North Carolina State University
Laura Ogden
Florida International University
Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne
University of Vermont
Diane Pataki
University of California, Irvine
Steward T. Pickett
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Stephanie Pincetl
University of California, Los Angeles
Kirsten Schwarz
University of California, Davis
Julie Sze
University of California, Davis
Ali Whitmer
Georgetown University
Weiqi Zhou
University of California, Davis


  1. Journal Article / 2010

    Environmental justice, sustainability and vulnerability

  2. Book Chapter / 2012

    Connecting environmental justice, sustainability, and vulnerability

  3. Book / 2012

    Urbanization and Sustainability: Linking Ecology, Environmental Justice, and Global Environmental Change

  4. Journal Article / 2012

    Urban sustainability and ecology of environmental justice

  5. Presentations / 2011

    Ecosystem services in urban landscapes: Who benefits?

  6. Book Chapter / 2012

    Towards a new framework for urbanization and sustainability

  7. Book Chapter / 2012

    Ecology and environmental justice: Understanding disturbance using ecological theory

  8. Presentations / 2012

    Urban tree canopy cover and environmental justice: Linking science practice and data through a comparison of Baltimore Philadelphia Sacramento and Washington DC

  9. Journal Article / 2015

    Trees grow on money: Urban tree canopy cover and environmental justice

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