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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

The ecological effects of many non-native forest pests and pathogens in North America have been well documented. The economic costs of these effects, however, have not been estimated credibly. NCEAS will synthesize ecological data on forest invaders and conduct complementary economic analyses. This will allow us to inform decisions regarding alternative strategies for controlling forest invaders. The project will examine the extent to which current knowledge allows credible prediction of the effects of emerging pests and pathogens. We also will investigate the economic impacts of non-native forest insects and diseases on ecosystem services provided by forests. Integration of ecological and economic data will lead to development of least cost / greatest benefit approaches that can be implemented by practitioners.
Members Only
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Juliann E. Aukema, Stephanie E. Hampton, Omar J. Reichman

Project Dates

Start: June 4, 2007

End: December 3, 2010



Juliann E. Aukema
The Nature Conservancy
Kathleen P. Bell
University of Maine
Kerry O. Britton
USDA Forest Service
Eckehard G. Brockerhoff
Joseph F. Cavey
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), PPQ
Corey Chivers
McGill University
Jeffrey E. Englin
University of Nevada
Erica Fleishman
University of California, Santa Barbara
Susan Frankel
USDA Forest Service
Chris Gilligan
University of Cambridge
Andrew Gutierrez
University of California, Berkeley
Robert G. Haight
USDA Forest Service
Thomas P. Holmes
US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Peter Kareiva
The Nature Conservancy
Kent F. Kovacs
University of Nevada
Brian Leung
McGill University
Andrew M. Liebhold
USDA Forest Service
Frank Lowenstein
The Nature Conservancy
Nicole McCoy
Utah State University
Deborah G. McCullough
Michigan State University
Amelia Nuding
University of California, Santa Barbara
Thomas L. O'Halloran
University of California, Santa Barbara
Erin Sills
North Carolina State University
Michael Springborn
University of California, Davis
Thomas Stohlgren
US Geological Survey (USGS)
James A. Turner
AgResearch (formally New Zealand Pastoral Agricultural Research Institute)
Betsy Von Holle
University of Central Florida
Lisa A. Wainger
University of Maryland


  1. Presentations / 2007

    Impacts of non-native forest pests and pathogens: Using economic analyses to inform policy responses

  2. Presentations / 2010

    Forest pest invasions: Trends and impacts

  3. Journal Article / 2010

    Historical accumulation of nonindigenous forest pests in the continental United States

  4. Journal Article / 2011

    Economic impacts of non-native forest insects in the continental United States

  5. Presentations / 2009

    Assessing the potential economic cost of emerald ash borer damage in the U.S.

  6. Presentations / 2009

    Cost of potential emerald ash borer damage in U.S. communities, 2009-2019

  7. Presentations / 2009

    Economic assessment of potential emerald ash borer damage in urban areas in the United States

  8. Presentations / 2011

    Protecting forest health: Operations research models for invasive species management

  9. Book Chapter / 2009

    Economic impacts of invasive species in forests: Past, present, and future

  10. Presentations / 2009

    Re-thinking the economics of forest invasive species

  11. Journal Article / 2010

    A spatial-dynamic value transfer model of economic losses from a biological invasion

  12. Journal Article / 2010

    Confronting challenges to economic analysis of biological invasions in forests

  13. Journal Article / 2010

    Property value impacts of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in residential forests

  14. Book Chapter / 2014

    Economic analysis of biological invasions in forests

  15. Presentations / 2009

    The dynamic response of housing values to a forest invasive species: Evidence from a sudden oak death infestation

  16. Presentations / 2009

    The dynamic response of housing values to a forest invasive species: Evidence from a sudden oak death infestation

  17. Presentations / 2009

    The SOD facts of life: Property value damage from sudden oak death in Marin County, CA

  18. Journal Article / 2010

    Cost of potential emerald ash borer damage in U.S. communities, 2009-2019

  19. Presentations / 2010

    The influence of satellite populations of emerald ash borer on the cost of damage in U.S. communities, 2010-2020

  20. Journal Article / 2011

    Predicting the economic costs and property value losses attributed to sudden oak death damage in California (2010-2020)

  21. Journal Article / 2011

    The dynamic response of housing values to a forest invasive disease: Evidence from a sudden oak death infestation

  22. Journal Article / 2011

    The influence of satellite populations of emerald ash borer on projected economic costs in U.S. communities, 2010-2020

  23. Journal Article / 2013

    A bioeconomic analysis of an emerald ash borer invasion of an urban forest with multiple jurisdictions

  24. Presentations / 2010

    Spatial and temporal patterns of alien forest insect invasions

  25. Journal Article / 2014

    Pathway-level risk analysis: The net present value of an invasive species policy in the US

  26. Presentations / 2008

    Applying knowledge of forest insect population biology o develop strategies to manage invasions

  27. Presentations / 2008

    Overview of strategies for managing the onslaught of pest invasions

  28. Presentations / 2008

    The onslaught of non-indigenous forest insects and pathogens and their consequences

  29. Presentations / 2009

    Current trends in destructive insect and disease invasion of North America

  30. Presentations / 2009

    Interesting spatial and temporal trends of historical forest pest invasion in the US

  31. Presentations / 2009

    Spatial analysis of non-indigenous forest insect pest species richness across the continental United States

  32. Presentations / 2009

    Summary results of the assessment of the economic impacts of invading forest insects and diseases

  33. Presentations / 2010

    Dave Wood's forest entomology: From the glory days of timber to the tragedy of invasive species

  34. Presentations / 2010

    Estimating the economic impact of alien forest insects in the USA

  35. Presentations / 2010

    Introductions and pathways in the northeast

  36. Presentations / 2010

    Non-native forest insects in the US: Patterns and impacts

  37. Presentations / 2010

    Quantitative approaches to selection of strategies for managing non-native species

  38. Presentations / 2010

    Spatial and temporal patterns of forest insect ad disease invasions in the USA

  39. Presentations / 2011

    Global invasive species pathways

  40. Presentations / 2011

    Insights from historical pest establishments

  41. Journal Article / 2013

    A highly aggregated geographical distribution of forest pest invasions in the USA

  42. Presentations / 2008

    Invasive forest pests in time and space

  43. Presentations / 2009

    EAB and other invasive forest insects: 400 years of bad news

  44. Presentations / 2010

    Non-native forest pests: Trends and impacts

  45. Presentations / 2011

    Historical pathways of introduction for non-indigenous forest pathogens