NCEAS Working Groups
Ecosystem-based management for the oceans: The role of zoning
Project Description
The proposed working group on Ocean Ecosystem Management will explore the role of place-based systems in achieving ecosystem-based ocean management. The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy (2004) and the Pew Oceans Commission (2003) both recommend ecosystem-based management of the 4.4 million square miles of ocean within the jurisdiction of the United States. The Pew Oceans Commission Report, as well as numerous scientists, managers, and advocacy organizations, has called for development of ocean zoning as a key component of ecosystem-based management. Ocean zoning is the authoritative regulation and allocation of access and use to specific marine geographic areas. Zoning systems aim to separate competing uses, reduce conflict, increase certainty among users, and protect sensitive marine resources. Fisheries management has increasingly used spatial regulation to determine access, protect nursing and spawning areas, reduce gear impacts, etc. More recently, place-based marine management is growing through the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs), including fully protected no-take reserves and areas offering protection from a limited set of uses. This working group will bring together ecologists and social scientists to explore the concept, practice, and opportunities for ocean zoning in a unique political and social climate primed for change. We will focus particularly on the question of whether or not and how zoning systems can be used to implement ecosystem-based management of oceans within the jurisdiction of the United States.
The working group goals are to: (1) compile and synthesize information on existing systems of ocean zoning and their ecological and social impacts, (2) compile and synthesize available ecological and social data necessary to design and develop effective zoning systems, (3) develop the concept of ocean zoning within the context of ecosystem based management, and (4) design a set of principles and policies for creation of sustainable and resilient ecosystem-based ocean zoning systems.
We have identified a group of leading thinkers engaged in developing an understanding of the complex ecological and social dynamics of ocean systems. The resources of NCEAS will enable us to bring these experts together to advance our understanding of marine ecosystems and our ability to implement scientifically based and effective ecosystem management.

Principal Investigator(s)
Gail Osherenko, Satie Airame, Larry B. Crowder, Elliott A. Norse, Oran R. Young
Project Dates
Start: January 1, 2005
End: February 11, 2007
- Satie Airame
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Christina Cairns
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Larry B. Crowder
- Duke University
- Jon Day
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
- Fanny Douvere
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Charles Ehler
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Julie Ekstrom
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Po Chi Fung
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Benjamin S. Halpern
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Michael Hanrahan
- Ocean Channel, Inc.
- Stephen J. Langdon
- University of Alaska, Anchorage
- Frank Maes
- Unknown
- Karen L. McLeod
- Oregon State University
- Lance Morgan
- Marine Conservation Biology Institute
- Elliott A. Norse
- Marine Conservation Biology Institute
- John C. Ogden
- Florida Institute of Oceanography
- Gail Osherenko
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Robbin Peach
- Harvard University
- Andrew A. Rosenberg
- University of New Hampshire
- James N. Sanchirico
- Resources for the Future
- Katherine Schwager
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Sarah Sikich
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- James Wilson
- University of Maine
- Oran R. Young
- University of California, Santa Barbara
Journal Article / 2009
The importance of data discovery and management in advancing ecosystem-based management
Journal Article / 2006
Sustainability - Resolving mismatches in US ocean governance
Journal Article / 2008
Essential ecological insights for marine ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning
Presentations / 2007
From concept to practice: Global perspectives on ecosystem-based, marine spatial management
Data Set / 2007
Digital library of management laws: California current large marine ecosystem
Journal Article / 2009
A tool to navigate overlaps in fragmented ocean governance
Journal Article / 2009
Evaluating functional fit between a set of institutions and an ecosystem
Journal Article / 2008
Managing for cumulative impacts in ecosystem-based management through ocean zoning
Book Chapter / 2005
Diseases and the conservation of marine biology
Presentations / 2006
Deep seabed ecosystems within and beyond California waters
Presentations / 2005
Conserving places: An emerging paradigm in marine ecosystem-based management
Presentations / 2005
Institutional mismatches constrain the diagnosis and treatment of declining oceans ecosystems
Book / 2005
Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea's Biodiversity
Presentations / 2005
Protecting the sacred waters: Marine ecosystem-based management in Haida Gwaii
Presentations / 2005
The end of the blue frontier: A new vision for our oceans
Presentations / 2006
Big eddy: Creating a bigger vision for our shared ocean resources
Presentations / 2006
Comprehensive ocean zoning: A new paradigm for ocean management in the United States
Presentations / 2006
Ecosystem approach to protecting, recovering and sustainably using marine biodiversity
Presentations / 2006
Ecosystem-based management: Applying lessons learned to areas beyond national jurisdiction
Presentations / 2006
Marine biodiversity, ecological interconnections and management information needs
Presentations / 2006
The end of the blue frontier: A new vision for our oceans
Presentations / 2007
End of blue frontier and the new paradigm for ocean management
Presentations / 2007
Marine ecosystem-based management: An essential, overdue paradigm shift
Presentations / 2007
Roving bandits, complex systems, and the closing blue frontier
Presentations / 2007
Spatial management: an ecosystem-based way of protecting marine biodiversity and separating incompatible uses
Presentations / 2008
Areas beyond national jurisdiction: The final frontier for marine conservation and management
Presentations / 2008
Comprehensive ecosystem-based ocean zoning: From Australian concept to American reality
Presentations / 2008
Marine spatial fisheries management: Shifting the paradigm to work the problem
Presentations / 2009
A new vision, a new way: Ecosystem-based spatial management
Journal Article / 2009
Conservation is a policy goal, not a use
Presentations / 2009
Ecosystem-based ocean planning: From Australia to North America
Presentations / 2009
From MPAs to comprehensive ecosystem-based spatial management
Presentations / 2009
Marine spatial planning: A paradigm shift now underway
Presentations / 2009
Marine spatial planning: How, why and sticking points
Presentations / 2009
Remote surveillance to support ecosystem-based spatial management
Presentations / 2009
Technologies for ecosystem-based marine spatial management
Presentations / 2009
The end of the blue frontier: Managing places in the sea
Presentations / 2009
Three stages in the evolution of marine ecosystem-based management: ‘Exploitation everywhere,’ marine reserves, and comprehensive ecosystem-based ocean zoning
Journal Article / 2010
Ecosystem-based spatial planning and management of marine fisheries: Why and how?
Journal Article / 2009
Managing for ocean biodiversity to sustain marine ecosystem services
Book Chapter / 2005
Marine protected areas and biodiversity conservation
Report or White Paper / 2009
Marine ecoregions of North America
Journal Article / 2007
Solving the crisis in ocean governance: Place-based management of marine ecosystems