NCEAS Working Groups
Evaluating responses of freshwater ecosystems to experimental water management
Project Description
The availability of fresh water to meet the demands of a growing human population and simultaneously ensure ecosystem integrity has emerged as one of the worlds primary resource issues (Postel and Richter, 2003; Alcamo et al. 2008). Water management for people and ecosystems remains an open scientific question (Acreman and Dunbar 2004, Arthington et al.2006) that is being answered with experimental approaches to releasing water from dams and
other control structures for ecological benefits in rivers, floodplains, and estuaries. Flow experiments present an unrivaled opportunity to evaluate large-scale experimental approaches in ecosystem management because of shared scientific approaches. We propose bringing scientists
together in a working group to integrate the site-specific results of large-scale flow experiments and synthesize general lessons to guide future large-scale experiments and ecosystem management in other places. We will:
1) test the limits of extrapolation across scales and integration across sites in drawing general conclusions about ecological responses to flow experiments;
2) identify criteria for attributing immediate, direct responses and long-term changes in the status of populations, communities, and ecosystems to experimental manipulation; and 3) develop innovative approaches that facilitate the ransfer of knowledge from large-scale experiments to broader applications.

Principal Investigator(s)
Christopher P. Konrad, Julian D. Olden
Project Dates
Start: January 1, 2009
End: December 31, 2010
- Erin Bray
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Joan Browder
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Mary Freeman
- University of Georgia
- Keith B. Gido
- Kansas State University
- Nina P. Hemphill
- Trinity River Restoration Program
- Paul S. Higgins
- BC Hydro
- Francine Hughes
- Anglia Ruskin University
- Mark J. Kennard
- Griffith University
- Christopher P. Konrad
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Josh Korman
- Ecometric Research
- David Lytle
- Oregon State University
- Laura E. McMullen
- Oregon State University
- Theodore Melis
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Meryl Mims
- University of Washington
- Julian D. Olden
- University of Washington
- Mark Pyron
- Ball State University
- Christopher T. Robinson
- Eawag Aquatic Research
- John C. Schmidt
- Utah State University
- John G. Williams
- NOAA, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Presentations / 2010
Global review of large-scale flow experiments
Presentations / 2010
Global review of large-scale flow experiments
Journal Article / 2011
Large-scale flow experiments for managing river systems
Journal Article / 2014
Are large-scale flow experiments informing the science and management of freshwater ecosystems?