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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Theoretical work on interspecific competition over the past 15 years has been characterized by the inclusion of an increasing amount of detail regarding the mechanism of population interaction. In comparison with previous work, recent theory has included more explicit descriptions of: (1) spatial and temporal variability; (2) adaptive behavior and/or evolution; and (3) between-individual differences in characteristics affecting competition. These studies have been undertaken largely independently, and many have been based on specific systems or assumptions. This proposal has two goals: (1) to explore the relationships between, and the interaction of these three components of the mechanism of competition; and (2) to determine if there is empirical evidence for the more general predictions uncovered by work related to the first goal. The second goal will also encompass plans for future empirical studies if evidence is lacking in past work. The working group will include investigators who have been actively involved in developing recent theory as well as empirical biologists who have had experience in meta-analysis of published experiments. The tangible results of the working group will be several joint theoretical papers and meta-analyses of published work, and proposals for empirical studies to apply the theory developed here.

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Peter A. Abrams, Will G. Wilson

Project Dates

Start: January 7, 1999

End: April 17, 2002



Peter A. Abrams
University of Toronto
Barbara A. Byrne
Oregon State University
Ted Case
University of California, San Diego
Jonathan M. Chase
University of Pittsburgh
Peter L. Chesson
University of California, Davis
Troy Day
University of Toronto
Sebastian Diehl
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich
James P. Grover
University of Texas, Arlington
Sally J. Holbrook
University of California, Santa Barbara
Robert D. Holt
University of Florida
Roger M. Nisbet
University of California, Santa Barbara
Craig W. Osenberg
University of Florida
Hugh P. Possingham
University of Adelaide, Roseworthy
Shane A. Richards
University of Amsterdam
Dolph Schluter
University of British Columbia
Russell J. Schmitt
University of California, Santa Barbara
Colette M. St. Mary
University of Florida
Will G. Wilson
Duke University


  1. Presentations / 1999

    Character displacement of species that share predators

  2. Journal Article / 1999

    The adaptive dynamics of consumer choice

  3. Journal Article / 2000

    Character shifts of prey species that share predators

  4. Presentations / 2000

    Effects of mortality on competitive coexistence and coevolution

  5. Journal Article / 2001

    The effect of density-independent mortality on the coexistence of exploitative competitors for renewing resources

  6. Journal Article / 2002

    The evolution of traits affecting resource acquisition and predator vulnerability: Character displacement under real and apparent competition

  7. Journal Article / 2004

    Coexistence of competitors in metacommunities due to spatial variation in resource growth rates: Does R* predict the outcome of competition

  8. Journal Article / 2004

    When does periodic variation in resource growth allow robust coexistence of competing consumer species

  9. Journal Article / 2002

    Management at a different scale: Marine ornamentals and local processes

  10. Journal Article / 2000

    Plant tolerance and resistance in food webs: Community-level predictions and evolutionary implications

  11. Journal Article / 2001

    Foraging trade-offs and resource patchiness: Theory and experiments with a freshwater snail community

  12. Journal Article / 2002

    The interaction between predation and competition: A review and synthesis

  13. Journal Article / 2000

    Mechanisms of maintenance of species diversity

  14. Presentations / 2000

    The importance of coupled variable recruitment and density dependence in the coexistence of coral reef fishes

  15. Presentations / 2000

    Variable larval supply and density-dependence can promote species coexistence in reef fish systems, December 2000

  16. Journal Article / 2000

    Competition and the effect of spatial resource heterogeneity on evolutionary diversification

  17. Journal Article / 2002

    The role of size-specific predation in the evolution and diversification of prey life histories

  18. Presentations / 1999

    Dynamics of phytoplankton and its resources in a gradient of mixing depth

  19. Presentations / 1999

    Phytoplankton biomass, light climate and nutrient availability along gradients of lake mixing depth

  20. Presentations / 2000

    The interface between theory and field experiment: Getting beyond yes-or-no answers

  21. Presentations / 2001

    Responses of plankton communities to enrichment with light, February 2001

  22. Journal Article / 2002

    Phytoplankton, light, and nutrients in a gradient of mixing depths: Theory

  23. Journal Article / 2003

    The evolution and maintenance of omnivory: Dynamic constraints and the role of food quality

  24. Presentations / 2000

    Stoichiometry, herbivory and competition for nutrients

  25. Journal Article / 2002

    Stoichiometry, herbivory and competition for nutrients: Simple models based on planktonic ecosystems

  26. Journal Article / 2003

    The impact of variable stoichiometry on predator-prey interactions: A multinutrient approach

  27. Presentations / 2001

    Species composition and collection efficiency associated with artificial and natural substrates

  28. Presentations / 2000

    Density-dependence in reef fish: A quantitative synthesis

  29. Presentations / 2001

    Cryptic density dependence

  30. Presentations / 2001

    Density-dependence in reef fish: A meta-analysis

  31. Journal Article / 2002

    A quantitative framework to evaluate the attraction-production controversy

  32. Presentations / 2000

    Adaptive feeding across environmental gradients

  33. Journal Article / 2000

    Grazers and diggers: Exploitation competition and coexistence among foragers with different feeding strategies on a single resource

  34. Presentations / 2001

    Population and evolutionary consequences of consuming a structured resource, March 2001

  35. Presentations / 2001

    Population and evolutionary consequences of consuming a structured resource, October 2001

  36. Journal Article / 2001

    When is habitat assessment an advantage when foraging?

  37. Presentations / 2001

    When is habitat assessment an advantage when foraging?

  38. Presentations / 2002

    Modeling scale-dependent processes in ecology, April 2002

  39. Journal Article / 2002

    Temporal partitioning and aggression among foragers: Modeling the effects of stochasticity and individual state

  40. Presentations / 2001

    Are fish assemblages on coral patch reefs predictable?

  41. Presentations / 2001

    Local-scale variation in settlement of three damselfish: Relationships with near-field current velocity

  42. Presentations / 2001

    Cryptic density dependence in reef fish populations

  43. Presentations / 2001

    Cryptic variation in habitat quality modifies the strength of density-dependent mortality of a reef fish

  44. Journal Article / 2005

    Coexistence of cycling and dispersing consumer species: Armstrong and McGehee in space