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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Maintaining healthy, productive marine ecosystems is a recurrent theme in policy recommendations, management deliberations, and public sentiment. While healthy oceans are a broadly shared goal, distinct vital signs to gauge the state of oceans have not been widely implemented, yet are essential for effective policy-making. This working group will reduce hundreds of candidate indicators to a manageable set that will serve as critical monitoring and planning tools for effective marine ecosystem-based management. Specifically, we will bring together leading scholars and practitioners from ecology, fisheries, oceanography, economics, and applied social sciences to develop ecosystem health metrics for the Arctic, continental shelves, coral reefs, estuaries, and coastal upwelling regions. We will address three overarching questions: (1) What does ecosystem health mean and how can we measure it? (2) How can we measure the degree to which human well-being is sustained by marine systems? (3) How transferable are such metrics across different systems? The indicators developed through this initiative will serve as concrete concepts to help catalyze political will, pave the way for policy-making at all levels of government, provide critical tools to communicate the state of marine systems to the public, and facilitate much-needed integration across the social and natural sciences.
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Karen L. McLeod, Larry B. Crowder, Michael J. Fogarty, Andrew A. Rosenberg

Project Dates

Start: January 20, 2010

End: January 13, 2012



Daniel R. Brumbaugh
American Museum of Natural History
F. Stuart Chapin
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Larry B. Crowder
Duke University
Kendra L. Daly
University of South Florida
Braxton C. Davis
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Scott Doney
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Michael J. Fogarty
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Steven D. Gaines
University of California, Santa Barbara
Benjamin S. Halpern
University of California, Santa Barbara
Leah B. Karrer
Conservation International
Steven K. Katona
Conservation International
Heather M. Leslie
Brown University
Sarah E. Lester
University of California, Santa Barbara
Catherine S. Longo
University of California, Santa Barbara
Karen L. McLeod
Oregon State University
Elizabeth Neeley
University of Washington
Jennifer K. O'Leary
University of California, Santa Barbara
Stephen Polasky
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Marla Ranelletti
University of California, Santa Barbara
Andrew A. Rosenberg
Conservation International
Jameal Samhouri
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Paul Sandifer
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Courtney E. Scarborough
University of California, Santa Barbara
Elizabeth R. Selig
Conservation International
Janna Shackeroff
William W. Stelle
K and L Gates, LLP
Kevin St. Martin
State University of New Jersey
Heather Tallis
Stanford University


  1. Presentations / 2011

    Fleshing out the Ocean Health Index: The conceptual framework for a single measure of ecosystem health

  2. Presentations / 2011

    Exploring indicators of fishing pressures in the context of the OHI with a focus on correcting the Marine Trophic Index for geographic expansion.

  3. Presentations / 2011

    Good, bad, better, worse: Establishing appropriate reference points for ocean health

  4. Journal Article / 2012

    Sea sick? Setting targets to assess ocean health and ecosystem services

  5. Journal Article / 2013

    Assessing global marine biodiversity status within a coupled socio-ecological perspective