NCEAS Working Groups
Fresh water and environmental change: The ecological consequences of altered hydrological regimes
Project Description
The environment, as well as human societies, depends on fresh water and the resources associated with it. Unfortunately, abundant evidence suggests that freshwater resources are being rapidly depleted and their quality severely degraded. In addition, even though it is widely recognized that predicting the future vitality of altered freshwater environments is complex, scientists and managers are increasingly called on to provide predictions. The purpose of the proposed NCEAS working group activity is to address the ecological consequences of altered water regimes in a future world. The specific objectives are: (1) To identify and acquire available data bases on regional trends in water regimes and make a preliminary evaluation of their completeness and accuracy. (2) To analyze the data bases in terms of projected impacts on freshwater biodiversity (including invasions), productivity, and resistance/resilience to unusual disturbances. (3) To provide alternative scenarios for aquatic ecosystem management using modeling approaches. The spatial scope will be global and the temporal scope will focus on the next 2-3 decades. The activities will be coordinated with relevant International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) bodies such as the Scientific Committee on Water Resources (SCOWAR) and the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), as well as the International Hydrological Programme (IHP, UNESCO).

Principal Investigator(s)
Robert J. Naiman
Project Dates
Start: July 1, 1999
End: January 12, 2001
- Lawrence E. Band
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Edward Beighley
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Lee Benda
- Earth Systems Institute
- Nancy Bockstael
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Melanie Bojanowski
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- Shane Brooks
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Scott D. Cooper
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Wendy Gordon
- University of Texas, Austin
- Gordon Grant
- USDA Forest Service
- Stan Gregory
- Oregon State University
- Michael Hanemann
- University of California, Berkeley
- David R. Maidment
- University of Texas, Austin
- Glenn E. Moglen
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Peter Moyle
- University of California, Davis
- Robert J. Naiman
- University of Washington
- Christer Nilsson
- Umea University
- Margaret A. Palmer
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Gilles Pinay
- Université de Rennes I
- James E. Pizzuto
- University of Delaware
- N. LeRoy Poff
- Colorado State University
- Emily H. Stanley
- University of Wisconsin
- David L. Strayer
- Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- Christina Tague
- San Diego State University
- Lisa C. Thompson
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Donald E. Weller
- Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Journal Article / 2002
Trend assessment in rainfall-runoff behavior in urbanizing watersheds
Journal Article / 2002
How to avoid trainwrecks when using science in environmental problem solving
Presentations / 2001
Land use impacts on the functioning of streams in urban environments
Journal Article / 2008
The effect of climate and land use change on flow duration in the Maryland Piedmont region
Presentations / 2001
Land use change in the Chesapeake Bay region and stream ecosystems, April 2001
Book Chapter / 2002
Frequency analysis under nonstationary land use conditions
Journal Article / 2002
Spatially explicit hydrologic modeling of land use change
Journal Article / 2002
Legitimizing fluvial ecosystems as users of water: An overview
Journal Article / 2003
Ecological forecasting and the urbanization of stream ecosystems: Challenges for economists, hydrologists, geomorphologists, and ecologists
Presentations / 2001
The ecological consequences of changing land use for running waters: The suburban Maryland case
Presentations / 2001
The ecological consequences of changing land use for running waters with a case study of urbanizing watersheds in Maryland
Journal Article / 2002
The ecological consequences of changing land use for running waters, with a case study of urbanizing watersheds in Maryland
Journal Article / 2003
Effects of land cover on stream ecosystems: Roles of empirical models and scaling issues
Journal Article / 2004
A geological framework for interpreting the low-flow regimes of Cascade streams, Willamette River Basin, Oregon
Presentations / 2001
Predicting ecological responses in streams from land use change and hydrological change