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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

This working group will develop methods for the production of future climate projections at biologically-relevant scales (30m - 5km). Methods explored will include expert-driven and Baysian probability frameworks. The group will include expertise in taking information from multiple GCMs and multiple climatologists to make informed estimates of local changes in temperature and precipitation. The methods developed will allow use of information from GCMs and RCMs where they are in agreement, but use expert opinion where the climate models clearly do not capture local conditions well (e.g., fire weather, fog, snowpack). This method will be relevant to local changes in individual species and viable for individual management areas, such as individual parks and conservation areas.
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

M. Rebecca Shaw

Project Dates

Start: October 1, 2005

End: June 30, 2007



Daniel Cayan
University of California, San Diego
Frank W. Davis
University of California, Santa Barbara
Curtis Deutsch
University of California, Los Angeles
John Dingman
University of California, Berkeley
Timothy P. Duane
University of California, Berkeley
Alan Flint
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Lorraine Flint
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Janet Franklin
Arizona State University
Patrick Gonzalez
The Nature Conservancy
Alex Hall
University of California, Los Angeles
Lee Hannah
Conservation International
Lara J. Hansen
World Wildlife Fund
Maki Ikegami
University of California, Santa Barbara
Linda Joyce
USDA Forest Service
Susan Julius
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Peter Kareiva
The Nature Conservancy
Kirk Klausmeyer
The Nature Conservancy
Joshua J. Lawler
Oregon State University
Jim Lutz
University of Washington
Jason B. MacKenzie
The Nature Conservancy
Ed Maurer
Santa Clara University
Ian McCullough
University of California, Santa Barbara
Sean McKnight
University of California, Santa Barbara
Joel C. Michaelsen
University of California, Santa Barbara
Peter Miller
University of California, Berkeley
Max A. Moritz
University of California, Berkeley
Malcolm North
University of California, Davis
Jonathan T. Overpeck
University of Arizona
Sam Pearsall
The Nature Conservancy
Chris Potter
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Chris Pyke
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Christophe Randin
University of Colorado, Boulder
Kelly Redmond
Desert Research Institute
Helen M. Regan
University of California, Riverside
Patrick Roehrdanz
University of California, Santa Barbara
Terry Root
Stanford University
Earl Saxon
The Nature Conservancy
Steve Schneider
Stanford University
M. Rebecca Shaw
The Nature Conservancy
Ayn Shlisky
The Nature Conservancy
Peter Slaughter
University of California, Santa Barbara
Bill Stanley
The Nature Conservancy
Nate Stephenson
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Lynn Sweet
University of California, Santa Barbara
Alexandra D. Syphard
Conservation Biology Institute
Karyn Tabor
Conservation International
Christina Tague
University of California, Santa Barbara
Timothy H. Tear
The Nature Conservancy
Anthony Westerling
University of California, Merced
Tom Wigley
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Robert Wilkinson
University of California, Santa Barbara


  1. Presentations / 2010

    Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine-scale do climate models need to be?

  2. Presentations / 2012

    Modeling species distributions to support conservation planning

  3. Presentations / 2013

    Connecting microclimates to plant species' range dynamics in a changing climate

  4. Presentations / 2013

    From microclimates to macroecology: modeling plant species range dynamics in a changing climate

  5. Presentations / 2014

    Changing windows of opportunity for tree seedling establishment in California's mountain landscapes

  6. Presentations / 2014

    From microclimates to macroecology: Modeling plant species range shifts in a changing climate

  7. Presentations / 2015

    Changing windows of opportunity for tree seedling establishment under 21st Century climate change

  8. Presentations / 2015

    Changing windows of opportunity for tree seedling establishment under 21st Century climate change

  9. Presentations / 2016

    From microenvironments to macroecology: Modeling tree species range shifts in a changing climate

  10. Journal Article / 2016

    Shrinking windows of opportunity for oak seedling establishment in southern California mountains

  11. Journal Article / 2013

    Modeling plant species distributions under futureclimates: how fine scale do climate projections need to be?

  12. Journal Article / 2010

    Resource management in a changing and uncertain climate

  13. Journal Article / 2016

    High and dry: high elevations disproportionately exposed to regional climate change in Mediterranean-climate landscapes

  14. Journal Article / 2014

    Bioclimatic velocity: the pace of species exposure to climate change

  15. Journal Article / 2016

    Averaged 30-year climate change projections mask opportunities for species establishment

  16. Journal Article / 2016

    California forests show early indications of both range shifts and local persistence under climate change

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