NCEAS Working Groups
Global Primary Production Data Initiative
Project Description
We propose to conduct a 2-week Working Group to develop a methodology for extrapolating sparse field observations of net primary production (NPP), including environmental controls on carbon allocation, to create a database representative of major worldwide vegetation and environmental regimes. This methodology will be used to produce a consistent database of worldwide NPP estimates, which is currently lacking. The database will be made available to global change researchers to (1) parameterize and validate global primary production models, (2) calibrate models driven by remotely sensed data, and (3) re-examine worldwide patterns of NPP. The database will include key ecological data such as biomass dynamics, climate and soils information, as well as NPP, providing a valuable global resource for a variety of other ecological studies, such as biodiversity and nutrient cycling.

Principal Investigator(s)
Stephen D. Prince
Project Dates
- Michael Apps
- Canadian Forest Service
- Caroline Bledsoe
- University of California, Davis
- Rob Braswell
- University of New Hampshire
- Sandra Brown
- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Jeff Q. Chambers
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Deborah A. Clark
- University of Missouri, St. Louis
- Warren B. Cohen
- USDA Forest Service
- Michael B. Coughenour
- Colorado State University
- Wolfgang Cramer
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Ken Day
- Climate Impacts and Grazing Systems
- Christopher B. Field
- Carnegie Institution
- Jon Foley
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Andrew Friend
- Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Edinburgh Resaerch Station
- Scott Goetz
- University of Maryland
- Stith T. Gower
- University of Wisconsin
- Kathy A. Hibbard
- University of New Hampshire
- Elisabeth A. Holland
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Robert B. Jackson
- University of Texas, Austin
- Jennifer Jenkins
- Northern Global Change Research Program, USFS
- Joerg Kaduk
- Carnegie Institution
- Robin Kelly
- Colorado State University
- David W. Kicklighter
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Olga Krankina
- Oregon State University
- William Lauenroth
- Colorado State University
- Sune Linder
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Jack A. Morgan
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Jian Ni
- Lund University
- Dennis S. Ojima
- Colorado State University
- Richard J. Olson
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- William J. Parton
- Colorado State University
- Mac Post
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Stephen D. Prince
- University of Maryland
- Steven W. Running
- University of Montana
- Edward J. Rykiel
- Washington State University
- H. Jochen Schenk
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Robert J. Scholes
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
- Jonathan Scurlock
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Marc Steininger
- University of Maryland
- James Sulzman
- University of Colorado
- Martin Sykes
- Lund University
- John R. Thomlinson
- University of Puerto Rico
- Larry Tieszen
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- John R. Vande Castle
- University of New Mexico
- Xinshi Zhang
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Guangsheng Zhou
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
Journal Article / 2001
Tree damage, allometric relationships, and above-ground net primary production in Central Amazon forest
Data Set / 1999
Annotated dataset on tropical forest NPP components
Journal Article / 2001
Measuring net primary production in forests: Concepts and field methods
Journal Article / 2001
Net primary production in tropical forests: An evaluation and synthesis of existing field data
Data Set / 2005
Net primary production in tropical forests: An evaluation and synthesis of existing field data
Data Set / 2005
Published data from tropical forest sites with data on forest biomass and at least one component of NPP, with documentation of the methods underlying these data (and associated references)
Data Set / 2005
Productivity of forest ecosystems studied during the International Biological Programme (IBP): The woodlands data set
Data Set / 2005
Osnabruck NPP dataset: Worldwide estimates and bibliography of net primary productivity derived from pre-1982 publications
Data Set / 2005
NPP grassland: Constistent worldwide site estimates, 1954-1990
Journal Article / 2001
Net primary production and carbon allocation patterns of boreal forest ecosystems
Data Set / 2006
NPP boreal forest: Consistent worldwide site estimates, 1977-1994
Journal Article / 2001
Biomass and NPP estimation for the mid-Atlantic region (USA) using plot-level forest inventory data
Data Set / 2005
Terrestrial ecosystem model (TEM) dataset - data from 16 vegetation types worldwide
Data Set / 2005
Scots pine NPP dataset (Siberia) - data from 14 boreal forest stands in easter Russia
Journal Article / 2001
Synthesis and analysis of biomass and net primary production in Chinese forests
Data Set / 2005
NPP multi-biome: Grassland, boreal forest, and tropical forest sites, 1939-1996
Data Set / 1999
Worldwide Net Primary Production (NPP) database
Data Set / 2005
NPP cropland: Gridded estimates for the central USA, 1982-1996
Journal Article / 2001
Cultivation/depensation effects on juvenile survival and recruitment: Implications for the theory of fishing
Data Set / 2005
Nine treatments from six distinct study sites in Oregon transect ecosystem research project, Northwestern USA
Data Set / 2005
NPP multi-biome: Gridded estimates for selected regions worldwide, 1989-2001, R1