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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

The EBM Feasibility NCEAS working group has three main goals: 1) assessing how to modify governance structures to facilitate effective ecosystem-based management (EBM) in developing and developed world contexts; 2) generating practical ecological and social indicators for EBM, and 3) producing analyses and planning materials useful for scientists, EBM practitioners, and policy makers around the world. It will draw together disparate, socio-ecological datasets from the Philippines, Southwestern Africa, the Caribbean, and Hawaii Island to assess EBM success as measured by common social and ecological goals of various programs. These results will result in synthetic peer reviewed journal articles and form the basis for an empirically-based how-to guidebook and training program to support coastal EBM.
Ecosystem Based Management Web Site

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Patrick J. Christie, Richard Pollnac

Project Dates

Start: November 17, 2006

End: December 12, 2009



Marina Alberti
University of Washington
Atanacio T. Almocera
University of the Philippines in the Visayas
Nygiel B. Armada
Fisheries Improved for Sustainable Harvest Project
Jennifer K. Balch
University of California, Santa Barbara
Nancy Baron
Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea (COMPASS)
Michael W. Beck
The Nature Conservancy
Theresa Black
University of Washington
Claudia Capitini
University of Washington
Patrick J. Christie
University of Washington
Kevern Cochrane
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Margaret Connors
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ian Dutton
The Nature Conservancy
Liza Eisma-Osorio
Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation
Chad English
Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea (COMPASS)
Dave Fluharty
University of Washington
Cirse Gonzalez
University of Washington
William M. Graham
Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory
Elise F. Granek
Portland State University
Sally Hacker
Oregon State University
Benjamin S. Halpern
University of California, Santa Barbara
Stephanie E. Hampton
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jill Harris
University of Washington
Mark Hixon
Oregon State University
David Japp
Christopher Joyce
National Public Radio
Carrie V. Kappel
University of California, Santa Barbara
Christopher J. Kennedy
University of Wyoming
Sarah C. Klain
University of British Columbia
Carissa J. Klein
University of Queensland
Emily Knight
Stanford University
Evamaria W. Koch
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Jordan Levine
University of British Columbia
Gordon K. Lowry
University of Hawaii, Mānoa
Robin Mahon
University of the West Indies
Patrick McConney
University of the West Indies
Kate Mulvaney
University of Rhode Island
Elizabeth Neeley
University of Washington
Mary I. O'Connor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Diana Pietri
University of Washington
Richard Pollnac
University of Rhode Island
Robert S. Pomeroy
University of Connecticut, Avery Point
Hugh P. Possingham
University of Queensland
Karis Puruncajas
University of Washington
Jai Ranganathan
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jameal Samhouri
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Kimberly A. Selkoe
University of California, Santa Barbara
Janna Shackeroff
Leila S. Sievanen
University of Washington
Erik Stokstad
American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS
Heather Tallis
Stanford University
M. Timothy Tinker
US Geological Survey (USGS) Santa Cruz Field Station
Brian Tissot
Washington State University, Vancouver
Michael Todd
Pacific Standard (formally Miller-McCune Magazine)
Anna Varney
University of Washington
Steven Walters
University of Washington
Alan T. White
Tetra Tech EM, Inc.
Allison Winter
E & E Publishing, LLC


  1. Journal Article / 2009

    Managing fisheries resources in Danajon Bank, Bohol, Philippines: An ecosystem-based approach

  2. Data Set / 2007

    Marine EBM Governance Data

  3. Journal Article / 2009

    Back to basics: An empirical study demonstrating the importance of local-level dynamics for the success of tropical marine ecosystem-based management

  4. Journal Article / 2009

    Tropical marine EBM feasibility: A synthesis of case studies and comparative analyses

  5. Journal Article / 2009

    Benguela current large marine ecosystem: Governance and management for an ecosystem approach to fisheries in the region

  6. Journal Article / 2009

    Scaling up local government initiatives toward ecosystem-based fisheries management in Southeast Cebu Island, Philippines

  7. Journal Article / 2009

    Focusing on living marine resource governance: The Caribbean large marine ecosystem and adjacent areas project

  8. Book / 2008

    Establishing Resilient Marine Protected Area Networks-Making it Happen

  9. Journal Article / 2009

    Scaling up to networks of marine protected areas in the Philippines: Biophysical, legal, institutional, and social considerations

  10. Journal Article / 2009

    Information diffusion in two marine protected area networks in the central Visayas region, Philippines

  11. Journal Article / 2009

    Introduction: Scaling up to ecosystem-based management--Case studies and comparative analysis

  12. Journal Article / 2010

    Marine Reserves Special Feature: Marine reserves as linked social-ecological systems

  13. Journal Article / 2011

    Factors influencing success of marine protected areas in the Visayas, Philippines as related to increasing protected area coverage

  14. Journal Article / 2009

    Hawaiian islands marine ecosystem case study: Ecosystem- and community-based management in Hawaii

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