An information infrastructure for vegetation science (Hosted by NCEAS)
Project Description
Through the combined efforts of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Ecological Society of America Vegetation Panel (ESA-VP), and the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), the United States is on the verge of having its first fully functional, widely-applied vegetation classification system. The federal government has declared the need for a single standard, and on October 22, 1997, the Secretary of Interior, acting as Chair of the Federal Geographic Data Committee, approved the Vegetation Information and Classification Standard ( which is now the standard vegetation classification for U.S. Federal agencies and their cooperators. Yet, there are still major obstacles ot overcome to make such a system operational and broadly accepted. ESA-VP is working in close collaboration with TNC and FGDC to draft standards for field data acquisition, type, definition, and peer review of proposed additions and changes. A fourth component, an information infrastructure to manage the anticipated 107 plots and 104 plant associations required for a national system, and to distribute this information across the web in a continually revised but perfectly archived format, represents a major intellectual and practical obstacle to the realization of the system. It is this final piece that our proposal addresses.
We propose to convene at NCEAS a working group to design, construct and test prototypes of two core components of the information infrastructure necessary to support the U.S. National Vegetation Classification (US-NVC): a stand-alone vegetation plots database system with internet access tools, and an addition to the TNC Heritage Data Management System that will allow the national classification database to be both continually revised and perfectly archived. Subsets of this working group would meet at intervals over a 2-yr period to develop and test components of the system. A postdoctoral associate employed by NCEAS would work in consultation with project coordinators, TNC and federal government analysts, and NCEAS staff to complete most of the actual design and programming. The prototypes would be demonstrated using a variety of data from the greater Yosemite vegetation mapping project. Subsequently, additional datasets would be used to explore and demonstrate the robustness of the system. Once developed and peer reviewed, the modules of the working prototype would be adopted and maintained, by some combination of TNC, USGS (NBII), FGDC and ESA.

Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates
Start: April 7, 1999
End: October 1, 2003
- P. Mark Anderson
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Michael T. Barbour
- University of California, Davis
- Bruce Bingham
- Mount Hood National Forest
- Brad Boyle
- University of Arizona
- Jerry Cooper
- Landcare Research
- Antoni W.H. Damman
- Kansas State University
- Rod Davidson
- USDA Forest Service
- Frank W. Davis
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- James F. Drake
- The Nature Conservancy
- Aaron Ellison
- Mount Holyoke College
- Don Faber-Langendoen
- NatureServe/Association for Biodiversity Information
- Gabriel Farrell
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Amy Farstad
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- David C. Glenn-Lewin
- Wichita State University
- Kathy Goodin
- The Nature Conservancy
- Ben Goodkind
- NatureServe/Association for Biodiversity Information
- Joel Gramling
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Dennis H. Grossman
- The Nature Conservancy
- John Haglund
- Mount Hood National Forest
- John Harris
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Stephan Hennekens
- ALTERRA, Green World Research
- Leslie Honey
- The Nature Conservancy
- Paula Ross Huddleston
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Lee Anne Jacobs
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Michael D. Jennings
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Matthew B. Jones
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Leonard Krishtalka
- University of Kansas
- Michael T. Lee
- University of North Carolina
- Mike Palmer
- Oklahoma State University
- Karen D. Patterson
- Unknown
- Robert K. Peet
- University of North Carolina
- J. Scott Peterson
- National Resources Conservation Service
- Tom Philippi
- Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
- John H. Porter
- University of Virginia
- David W. Roberts
- Utah State University
- Mark Schaefer
- NatureServe/Association for Biodiversity Information
- Joop H.J. Schamine
- IBN-DLO, Institute for Forestry and Nature Research
- Mark P. Schildhauer
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Peter Stevens
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- David L. Tart
- USDA Forest Service
- Steve Taswell
- The Nature Conservancy
- Gary S. Waggoner
- Biological Resources Division, US Geological Survey
- Marilyn D. Walker
- University of Alaska
- Susan K. Wiser
- Landcare Research
Journal Article / 2007
On the use of taxonomic concepts in support of biodiversity research and taxonomy
Presentations / 2001
An information infrastructure for vegetation science: A model and prototype database for storing and integrating vegetation data
Presentations / 2001
Remote sensing and GIS accuracy assessment
Data Set / 2006
Multisource field plot data for studies of vegetation alliances: Northwestern USA
Journal Article / 2009
Standards for associations and alliances of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification
Presentations / 2000
A data model for taxonomic databases in biology: A candidate for adoption as a Federal Standards by the Federal Geographic Data Committee, 2 November 2000
Presentations / 2000
An information infrastructure for vegetation science
Presentations / 2000
A system for management of vegetation classification data and peer review of proposed vegetation types
Presentations / 2000
The Carolina Vegetation Survey and databases for vegetation science
Presentations / 2000
The VegBank taxonomic data model
Presentations / 2001
Scalable information networks for the environment, November 2001
Presentations / 2001
The challenge of biodiversity: Plot, organism, and taxonomic databases
Presentations / 2001
The role of VegBank in vegetation classification
Presentations / 2001
The VegBank data model
Presentations / 2001
The VegBank taxonomic data model as a template for a national biological nomenclature data standard
Presentations / 2001
Topic: Vegetation Classification
Presentations / 2002
Data models for community information
Presentations / 2002
The VegBank taxonomic datamodel
Presentations / 2002
VegBank: A vegetation field plot archive
Presentations / 2002
VegBank: A vegetation field plot archive
Presentations / 2003
Ecoinformatics and the future of community Ecology
Presentations / 2003
Integration of the VegBank archive into the National Vegetation Classification FGDC-ESA
Presentations / 2003
The VegBank taxonomic datamodel
Journal Article / 2012
VegBank - a permanent, open-access archive for vegetation-plot data
Report or White Paper /
An information infrastructure for vegetation science: Project overview and progress report.
Report or White Paper /
Biological Nomenclature/Taxonomy Meeting Summary
Journal Article / 2015
Vegetation classification by two new iterative reallocation optimization algorithms
Journal Article / 2011
Veg-X - An exchange standard for plot-based vegetation data