NCEAS Working Groups
Integrating the aquatic with the terrestrial component of the global carbon budget
Project Description
The traditional compartmentalized approaches to developing inventories of carbons
pools and fluxes in the biosphere have generated gaps in the form of key components. Among
these key components, freshwater and wetland ecosystems, have been largely ignored or
assumed negligible. Recent literature suggests that freshwater ecosystems contribute
significantly to some regional carbon balances. We hypothesize, based on a preliminary
assessment of the easily available data, that these key components are critical for a reliable
estimation of carbon movements at a global scale as well. While the oceans and terrestrial forests
are responsible for the net uptake of atmospheric CO2, freshwater ecosystems process a large
amount of terrestrially-derived primary production and alter the balance between C sequestration
and net CO2 release. This project aims at synthesizing existing information on the linkage
between terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems to yield an improved representation of carbon

Principal Investigator(s)
Jonathan J. Cole, Carlos M. Duarte, Yves T. Prairie
Project Dates
Start: January 1, 2003
End: December 31, 2004
- Nina Caraco
- Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- Jonathan J. Cole
- Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- John A. Downing
- Iowa State University
- Carlos M. Duarte
- Universitat de les Illes Balears
- Pirkko Kortelainen
- Finnish Environment Institute
- William H. McDowell
- University of New Hampshire
- John M. Melack
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jack J. Middelburg
- Netherlands Institute of Ecology
- Yves T. Prairie
- Université du Québec, Montreal
- Robert G. Striegl
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Lars J. Tranvik
- Uppsala University
- Piet Verburg
- University of California, Santa Barbara
Journal Article / 2011
Carbon dioxide concentrations in eutrophic lakes: Undersaturation implies atmospheric uptake
Journal Article / 2004
Methane emissions from lakes: Dependence of lake characteristics, two regional assessments, and a global estimate
Journal Article / 2011
Freshwater methane emissions offset the continental carbon sink
Presentations /
Methane emissions from lakes: Dependence of lake characteristics, two regional assessments and a global estimate
Presentations / 2005
Organic matter inputs and metabolism in a large river estuary (the Hudson): Insights from natural abundance isotopes and whole system metabolism
Presentations / 2003
The multiple roles of freshwater ecosystems in the carbon balance
Presentations / 2003
The multiple roles of terrestrial organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems, November 2003
Presentations / 2005
How terrestrial organic matter is processed in aquatic ecosystems: From the big picture to the detailed models
Presentations / 2005
Why is there so much carbon in fresh waters?
Presentations / 2006
Do inland waters matter in the regional or global C balance
Presentations / 2007
Do inland waters matter to the large-scale terrestrial carbon balance: A global perspective
Journal Article / 2007
Plumbing the global carbon cycle: Integrating inland waters into the terrestrial carbon budget
Presentations / 2007
Terrestrial subsidies of aquatic metabolism and food webs
Presentations / 2007
The fates of terrestriaal carbon in aquatic ecosystems: Do trees subsidize the aquatic food web
Book / 2013
Freshwater ecosystems and the carbon cycle
Presentations / 2005
The global size distribution and abundance of lakes, ponds, and impoundments
Presentations / 2006
Global carbon burial in agricultural impoundments
Journal Article / 2006
The global abundance and size distribution of lakes, ponds, and impoundments
Presentations / 2007
Global limnology: Up-scaling aquatic services and processes to the planet Earth
Journal Article / 2008
Sediment organic carbon burial in agriculturally eutrophic impoundments over the last century
Book Chapter / 2009
Abundance and size distribution of lakes, ponds, and impoundments
Journal Article / 2012
Global abundance and size distribution of streams and rivers
Journal Article / 2018
Size, age, renewal, and discharge of groundwater carbon
Journal Article / 2004
Major role of marine vegetation on the oceanic carbon cycle
Presentations / 2004
Major role of marine vegetation on the oceanic carbon cycle, 30 September 2004
Journal Article / 2005
Prevalence of heterotrophy and atmospheric CO2 emissions from aquatic ecosystems
Presentations / 2006
Integrating the terrestrial and aquatic carbon budgets
Journal Article / 2008
CO2 emissions from saline lakes: A global estimate of a surprisingly large flux
Journal Article / 2012
Impacts of eutrophication on carbon burial in freshwater lakes in an intensively agricultural landscape
Presentations / 2006
Methane emissions from northern Amazon savanna wetlands and Balbina Reservoir
Presentations / 2005
Sediment respiration and lake trophic state important predictors for the large CO2 evasion from small boreal lakes
Journal Article / 2006
Sediment respiration and lake trophic state are important predictors of large CO2 evasion from small boreal lakes
Presentations / 2007
Carbon fluxes from catchment to water and through a water-air interface
Presentations / 2006
Multi-scale analyses of inundation wetland vegetation and carbon dynamics in the floodplains of the Amazon basin
Presentations / 2007
Carbon and nitrogen biochemistry in tropical Amazon floodplains: A transial environment between terrestrial and aquatic systems
Presentations / 2007
Carbon dynamics in Amazon floodplain lakes
Journal Article / 2013
Eutrophication reverses whole-lake carbon budgets
Presentations / 2004
Integrating the aquatic and terrestrial carbon budget, December 2004
Presentations / 2004
Le role des lacs dans le cycle du carbone: Du local au global, November 2004
Presentations / 2005
Carbocentric limnology: Backward and forward looks
Presentations / 2005
Carbon and nutrient transport and processing in southern Quebec lakes, April 2005
Presentations / 2005
Carbon, iron and nutrient transport and processing in southern Quebec lakes, January 2005
Presentations / 2005
Le role des lacs dans le cycle du carbone: Du local au global, February 2005
Presentations / 2005
L'inextricable lien entre l'eau et la terre: Un histoire de carbone, January 2005
Presentations / 2005
The global contribution of saline lakes to carbon evasion to the atmosphere
Journal Article / 2007
Direct and indirect metabolic CO2 release by humanity
Journal Article / 2008
Carbocentric limnology: Looking back, looking forward
Journal Article / 2005
Temperature independence of carbon dioxide supersaturation in global lakes
Journal Article / 2007
Patterns and regulation of dissolved organic carbon: An analysis of 7,500 widely distributed lakes
Presentations /
Patterns and regulation of pCO2 and DOC concentration in global lakes
Journal Article / 2012
Carbon export by rivers draining the conterminous United States
Presentations / 2005
Carbon biochemistry and transport in the Yukon River
Presentations / 2005
Climate warmin impacts on carbon export by the Yukon River
Presentations / 2006
Carbon and nitrogen export and yield from the Yukon River basin
Presentations / 2006
Climate warming changing hydrology and carbon export from the Yukon River basin
Presentations / 2006
Groundwater climate change and dissolves organic material export by subarctic and arctic rivers
Presentations / 2007
Effects of permafrost thaw on hydrology and C and N export on the Yukon River basin
Presentations / 2007
Lotic carbon gas exchange in the Yukon River basin
Presentations / 2007
Plumbing the carbon cycle: The role of inland waters in carbon sequestration, exchange and export
Presentations / 2007
Plumbing the carbon cycle: The role of inland waters in carbon sequestration, exchange and export
Presentations / 2007
Plumbing the carbon cycle: The role of inland waters in carbon sequestration, exchange and export
Presentations / 2007
Plumbing the carbon cycle: The role of inland waters in carbon sequestration, exchange and export
Presentations / 2007
Plumbing the carbon cycle: The role of inland waters in carbon sequestration, exchange and export
Presentations / 2008
Plumbing the carbon cycle: The role of inland waters in carbon sequestration, exchange and export
Journal Article / 2012
Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from the Yukon River system
Presentations / 2004
Preservation or degredation of organic carbon-where in the watershed and why?
Presentations / 2005
Terrestrial dissolved organic matter - a huge but not limited subsidy to aquatic ecosystems
Journal Article / 2009
Lakes and reservoirs as regulators of carbon cycling and climate
Presentations / 2006
Increased grounwater contribution to stream flow in the Yukon River basin in response to climate warming and potentioal impacts on carbon and nitrogen export
Journal Article / 2012
Biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon in the Yukon River and its tributaries: Seasonality and importance of inorganic nitrogen