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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

The annual net primary productivity (NPP) of terrestrial ecosystems directly regulates the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (Huntet al., 1996; IPCC, 1995). The advent of satellite-based remote sensing within the past two decades has enabled us to assess global patterns of phenology, NPP, and carbon sequestration. However, the satellite record is far too short to determine centennial or longer trends. Therefore we must look to new avenues if we are to place the 20-yearrecord of satellite-measured terrestrial NPP within the context of the steady adjustments of plant populations in response to long-term changes in climate and atmospheric CO2. Fossil pollen data provide continuous records spanning millennia that demonstrate the large shifts in the ranges and abundances in plant populations that have occurred since the last glacial maximum (LGM), 21,000 years ago. Maps of modern pollen abundances clearly show that the pollen percentage of a plant taxon reflects its abundance on the landscape. Although there have been several attempts to estimate the past amounts of carbon stored in the terrestrial biosphere, most of these attempts have not made use of process-based biogeochemistry models and their estimates have ranged widely.

I suggest a pioneering approach to determine the past productivity and carbon sequestration of the terrestrial biosphere. I plan to synthesize the information contained in the pollen and satellite vegetation records to estimate the leaf area index (LAI) of past ecosystems, then use the inferred LAI, maps of past land cover already published (Williams et al., 1998; Williams et al., in press), and paleoclimatic simulations to run BIOME-BGC, a sophisticated biogeochemistry model that predicts NPP and carbon sequestration by directly simulating the processes of photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon allocation (Running and Hunt, 1993). The goal is to produce maps of LAI, NPP, and carbon storage for key time periods in the past. These maps will be highly relevant to those seeking to understand the present-day interactions between vegetation productivity, climate, and atmospheric CO2, and the potential for the system to change.

Principal Investigator(s)

John W. Williams

Project Dates

Start: September 20, 1999

End: September 19, 2001



Earle Raymond Hunt
US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Stephen T. Jackson
University of Wyoming
Jed Kaplan
Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology
John W. Williams
University of California, Santa Barbara


  1. Journal Article / 2003

    A statistical approach to evaluating distance metrics and analog assignments for pollen records

  2. Journal Article / 2002

    The anatomy of a climatic oscillation: Vegetation change in eastern North America during the Younger Dryas chronozone

  3. Book Chapter / 2003

    Climatically forced vegetation dynamics in North America during the Late-Quaternary

  4. Presentations / 1999

    BIOME1 and BIOME3 simulations of Mid-Holocene vegetation: Testing the models

  5. Presentations / 1999

    Climate and BIOME-model simulations for the mid-Holocene

  6. Presentations / 1999

    Data-model comparisons for eastern North America: Inferred biomes and climate values from pollen data

  7. Journal Article / 2000

    Book Review: Bonnicksen, T. M. 2000. America's ancient forests: From the Ice Age to the Age of Discovery. Wiley, New York

  8. Report or White Paper / 2000

    Data-model comparisons for eastern North America - Inferred biomes and climate values from pollen data

  9. Journal Article / 2000

    Do low CO2 concentrations affect pollen-based reconstructions of LGM climates? A response to Physiological significance of low atmospheric CO2 for plant-climate interactions by Cowling and Sykes

  10. Presentations / 2000

    Fossil pollen records and AVHRR: Complementary sensors of the vegetation

  11. Presentations / 2000

    Land cover change in boreal and eastern North America since the last glacial maximum

  12. Presentations / 2000

    No-Analog biomes and climate in eastern North America

  13. Presentations / 2000

    Vegetation dynamics, climate change, and no-analog plant communities in eastern North America during the late Quaternary

  14. Presentations / 2000

    Vegetation responses to climate change in North America since the last ice age

  15. Journal Article / 2001

    Dissimilarity analyses of late-Quaternary vegetation and climate in eastern North America

  16. Presentations / 2001

    Fast vegetational responses to late-glacial climate change

  17. Presentations / 2001

    Late-Quaternary land cover change in boreal and eastern North America

  18. Presentations / 2001

    Needleleaved and broadleaved tree cover reconstructions inferred from the iterated analog technique

  19. Presentations / 2002

    Integrating AVHRR and paleoecological data to reconstruct past variations in tree cover and the terrestrial carbon cycle

  20. Journal Article / 2002

    Rapid and widespread vegetation responses to past climate change in the North Atlantic Region

  21. Presentations / 2002

    Vegetation-atmosphere interactions during the late Quaternary: Current advances and future directions

  22. Presentations / 2003

    North American vegetation and climates from 21,000 years ago to present: Useful data sets for testing earth system models

  23. Journal Article / 2003

    Palynological and AVHRR observations of modern vegetational gradients in eastern North America

  24. Presentations / 2003

    Quantitative reconstructions of Late Quaternary tree cover from modern pollen-AVHRR calibrations

  25. Journal Article / 2003

    Variations in tree cover in North America since the last glacial maximum

  26. Journal Article / 2004

    Late-Quaternary vegetation dynamics in North America: Scaling from taxa to biomes

  27. Presentations /

    Rapid and widespread vegetation responses to late-glacial climate change in the North Atlantic region