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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

The Ecosystem Model-Data Intercomparison (EMDI) program of the Task Force on Global Analysis, Interpretation, and Modelling (GAIM) is facilitating interactions between international modeling and data synthesis teams, beyond what any individual team can reasonably propose or fund. The third EMDI Workshop will be held at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) April 21-24, 2002 funding support from NSF and from NCEAS. The Workshop will focus on the development of a new understanding of the nature and
Members Only Area
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Kathy A. Hibbard

Project Dates

Start: April 21, 2002

End: April 22, 2002



Dominique Bachelet
Oregon State University
Mingkui Cao
University of Maryland, College Park
Galina Churkina
Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemisty
Stephen Del Grosso
Colorado State University
Mustapha El Maayar
University of Wisconsin
Kathy A. Hibbard
University of New Hampshire
Julian Jenkins
University of New Hampshire
Jinjun Ji
Chinese Academy of Sciences
David W. Kicklighter
Ecosystems Center
Beverly E. Law
Oregon State University
George Merchant
Carnegie Institution
Richard J. Olson
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
William J. Parton
Colorado State University
Mac Post
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Chris Potter
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Stephen D. Prince
University of Maryland, College Park
Steven W. Running
University of Montana
Stephen Sitch
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Peter E. Thornton
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Nicolas Viovy
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE)
Daolan Zheng
University of Maryland, College Park


  1. Report or White Paper / 2002

    EMDI III - Summary of April 21-24, 2002 Working Group Meeting

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