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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Science, policy, and resource management knowledge gaps as they relate to flooding will be addressed by three NCEAS working groups. Specific objectives are to:

  • synthesize existing knowledge, incorporating inter-site comparative analyses where appropriate;
  • relate results from studies of natural flood disturbances to those of managed floods to devise scientifically sound management prescriptions;
  • examine how floods have served as the impetus for policy change and evaluate the effectiveness of those policies; and
  • identify needs and design research approaches that can take advantage of new ¿¿¿windows of opportunity¿¿¿.

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

William K. Michener, Richard Haeuber

Project Dates



Nicholas G. Aumen
South Florida Water Management
Thomas Birkland
State University of New York (SUNY), Albany
Ray Burby
University of New Orleans
Alice Celay
University of California, Santa Barbara
Betsy Cody
Congressional Research Office
David Conrad
National Wildlife Federation
Hanna J. Cortner
University of Arizona
Thomas Dunne
University of California, Santa Barbara
Greg Edgar
University of California, Santa Barbara
Mary Freeman
University of Georgia
David L. Galat
University of Missouri
Gordon Grant
USDA Forest Service
Nancy B. Grimm
Arizona State University
Richard Haeuber
Ecological Society of America
Len Houston
US Army Corps of Engineers
Robb Jacobson
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Paula Johnson
Sherri L. Johnson
Oregon State University
Berton Lee Lamb
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Jeff Mason
University of California, Santa Barbara
Peter J. May
University of Washington
William K. Michener
National Science Foundation
N. LeRoy Poff
Colorado State University
Martin Reuss
US Army Corps of Engineers
John C. Schmidt
Utah State University
Susan Selby
Southern Nevada Water Authority
Margaret A. Shannon
State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo
Richard E. Sparks
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Emily H. Stanley
University of Wisconsin
Fred Swanson
USDA Forest Service
Lou Toth
South Florida Water Management
Richard F. Wells
US Bureau of Reclamation


  1. Book Chapter / 1998

    Dynamic landscape systems

  2. Journal Article / 2003

    River ecology and flood hazard mitigation

  3. Journal Article / 1998

    Critical data requirements for prediction of erosion and sedimentation in mountain drainage basins

  4. Journal Article / 1998

    Exchanges of sediment between flood plain and the channel of the Amazon River in Brazil

  5. Book Chapter / 1998

    Hydrologic landscapes...on a the future

  6. Presentations / 1999

    Amazon River basin hydrology from whole-basin to hillslope scales

  7. Presentations / 1999

    Channel-floodplain sedimentation

  8. Journal Article / 1998

    Natural flood control

  9. Journal Article / 2000

    Riparian forest disturbances by a mountain flood - the influence of floated wood

  10. Journal Article / 1997

    Quantitatively evaluating restoration experiments: Research design, statistical analysis, and data management considerations

  11. Book / 2000

    Ecological Data: Design, Management and Processing (Ecology Series)

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