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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

This project will build a "Scientific Observations Network"--as a multi-disciplinary, community-driven effort to define and develop a unified model for observational data, to enhance data sharing, merging and reuse in the earth and life sciences. This effort will coordinate work of a community of experts drawn from numerous disciplines, including ecology, hydrology, oceanography, geo-sciences, the geospatial community, and life sciences, working closely with computer scientists and information managers, to develop necessary specifications and technologies to facilitate intelligent interpretation and seamless integration of observational data. Advances in environmental science and ecology increasingly depend on information from multiple disciplines to address broad, complex questions about the natural world. Researchers are extremely challenged, however, in effectively locating, interpreting, and integrating data that might be relevant for these investigations. This is due to extreme variability in the structure and contents of the data that scientists collect. This project will support the growing interest in the earth and life sciences in the possibilities of describing data at the level of observation and measurement, rather than the traditional focus at the level of the data set, in order to achieve stronger data discovery and interoperability. The Scientific Observations Network will work to develop compatible, open-source, standards-based approaches to the semantic modeling of observational data. A key goal will be the development of a core conceptual data model for representing scientific observations. This core observations model will provide a common basis for developing, extending, and applying highly specialized scientific terminologies required for detailed descriptions of data relevant for environmental research. Subgroups of experts will engage in extending the core data model to include a broad range of specific measurements collected by the representative disciplines, and a series of demonstration projects will illustrate the capabilities of these approaches to confederate data for reuse in broader and unanticipated contexts. The scientific Observations Network will help to insure that scientific data, once collected, is put to the greatest possible use by the broadest group of users.
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Mark P. Schildhauer, Shawn Bowers, Philip Dibner, Corinna Gries, Deborah McGuinness

Project Dates

Start: August 1, 2008

End: July 31, 2014



Ben Adams
University of Auckland
Luis Bermudez
Southeastern Universities Research Association
Nicolas Bertrand
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Benno Blumenthal
Columbia University
Shawn Bowers
Gonzaga University
Pier Luigi Buttigieg
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Huiping Cao
Arizona State University
Cynthia Chandler
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Simon Cox
JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Judith B. Cushing
Evergreen State College
John Deck
Philip Dibner
Open Geospatial Consortium Interoperability Institute (OGCii)
Ruth Duerr
University of Colorado, Boulder
Christopher Filstrup
Iowa State University
Peter Fox
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Damian Gessler
University of Arizona
Corinna Gries
Arizona State University
Robert Guralnick
University of Colorado, Boulder
Richard P. Hooper
Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI)
Jeff Horsburgh
Utah State University
Christopher S. Jones
University of California, Santa Barbara
Matthew B. Jones
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jan Martin Keil
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Steve Kelling
Cornell University
Jessie Kennedy
Napier University
Friederike Klan
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Birgitta König-Ries
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Werner Kuhn
University of California, Santa Barbara
Carl Lagoze
Cornell University
Jean-Francois Lapierre
Michigan State University
Hilmar Lapp
Duke University
Ben Leinfelder
University of California, Santa Barbara
Bertram Ludaescher
University of California, Davis
Joshua S. Madin
Macquarie University
Andrew Maffei
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Peter McCartney
National Science Foundation
Deborah McGuinness
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Chris Mungall
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Margaret O'Brien
University of California, Santa Barbara
Mark A. Parsons
University of Colorado, Boulder
Paulo Pinheira da Silva
University of Texas, El Paso
Robert G. Raskin
Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Alan Rector
University of Manchester
Mark P. Schildhauer
University of California, Santa Barbara
Wade Sheldon
University of Georgia
Adam Shepherd
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
David Tarboton
Utah State University
David W. Valentine
University of California, San Diego
David A. Vieglais
University of Kansas
Ramona L Walls
University of Arizona
Campbell O. Webb
Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
Stu Weibel
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
John Wieczorek
University of California, Berkeley
Andrew Woolf
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Stephan Zednik
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


  1. Journal Article / 2016

    The environment ontology in 2016: bridging domains with increased scope, semantic density, and interoperation

  2. Book Chapter / 2012

    Database support for enabling data-discovery queries over semantically-annotated observational data

  3. Journal Article / 2016

    Towards a thesaurus of plant characteristics: an ecological contribution

  4. Journal Article / 2012

    ThesauForm-Traits: A web based collaborative tool to develop a thesaurus for plant functional diversity research

  5. Journal Article / 2011

    Using semantic metadata for discovery and integration of heterogeneous ecological data

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