NCEAS Working Groups
Intrinsic and extrinsic variability in community dynamics
Project Description
The relative importance of intrinsic and extrinsic sources of variability in population dynamics has long been a question central to ecology. It has recently generated a wave of studies that use time-series analyses to identify density dependence in single-species data. One limitation of these efforts has been that, with their emphasis on single species, they do not explicitly include the effects of interactions among species. We propose to assemble a working group to examine intrinsic and extrinsic variability from a community perspective. We would assess the importance of species interactions as sources of intrinsic variability in population dynamics and explore how time-series data on the population densities of all species in a community can be used to understand the role of species interactions.

Principal Investigator(s)
Anthony R. Ives, Thomas M. Frost
Project Dates
Start: October 7, 1996
End: March 28, 1998
- Stephen R. Carpenter
- University of Wisconsin
- Kathryn L. Cottingham
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Brian Dennis
- University of Idaho
- Everett Fee
- Freshwater Institute
- Janet Fischer
- University of Wisconsin
- Thomas M. Frost
- Trout Lake Station, University of WI Center for Limnology
- Alan Hastings
- University of California, Davis
- Anthony R. Ives
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Robert S. Jellison
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jen Klug
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Peter McEvoy
- Oregon State University
- John M. Melack
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Fiorenza Micheli
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Michael Paterson
- Freshwater Institute
- James A. Rusak
- York University
- J. Timothy Wootton
- University of Chicago
- Norman Yan
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy
Journal Article / 1997
Resilience and restoration of lakes
Data Set / 2005
Physical data for six lakes in Wisconsin, USA, 1984-1995
Data Set / 2005
Sedimentation rates for nitrogen and phosphorus in five lakes in Wisconsin, USA, 1991-1995
Report or White Paper / 1998
Final Report: NCEAS Community Dynamics Working Group Meeting IV
Journal Article / 1998
Responses of epilimnetic phytoplankton to experimental nutrient enrichment in three small seepage lakes
Dissertation or Thesis / 1997
Zooplankton community responses to acidification: the role of rapid evolution and compensatory dynamics
Journal Article / 2001
Compensatory dynamics in zooplankton community responses to acidification: Measurement and mechanisms
Report or White Paper / 1997
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Variability in Community Dynamics: Meeting II Summary
Report or White Paper / 1996
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Variability in Community Dynamics Working Group: Meeting Summary
Data Set / 1999
Aquatic community dynamics data sets
Journal Article / 1999
Community interaction webs and zooplankton responses to planktivory manipulations
Journal Article / 2003
Estimating community stability and ecological interactions from time-series data
Data Set / 2006
Insights on community dynamics from large-scale, long-term data: Time series for zooplankton and environmental variates from 35 North American lakes
Journal Article / 2000
Compensatory dynamics in planktonic community responses to pH perturbations
Journal Article / 2001
Interactions among environmental drivers: Community responses to changing nutrients and dissolved organic carbon
Journal Article / 1999
The dual nature of community variability
Journal Article / 1999
The temporal coherence of zooplankton population abundances in neighboring north-temperate lakes
Journal Article / 2002
Temporal, spatial, and taxonomic patterns of crustacean zooplankton variability in unmanipulated north-temperate lakes
Data Set / 2006
Bythotrephes abundance in Harp Lake
Data Set / 2006
Chaoborus abundances in the 8 Dorset lakes on one evening
Data Set / 2006
Chemistry for Plastic and Harp Lakes
Data Set / 2006
Chemistry for the Dorset Lakes
Data Set / 2006
Updated zooplankton data for 7/8 Dorset lakes in 1993-96
Data Set / 2006
Zooplankton for all 8 Dorset lakes
Data Set / 2006
Zooplankton for Middle and Hannah Lakes (Sudbury)