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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Many global change drivers, such as increasing air and soil temperatures or increased concentrations of carbon dioxide, lead to chronic alterations in resource availability. Scientists anticipate that the magnitude and direction of ecosystem responses to these changes will be non-linear. To predict responses to GCDs across a wide variety of ecosystems, the working group is taking advantage of 101 similar experiments done across 17 LTER sites, all of which have examined plant community responses to changes in resource availability. The group aims to discover whether changes in plant community structure, productivity, and carbon storage are predictive of shifts in ecosystem function.

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Kimberly J. Komatsu, Meghan L. Avolio, Kevin R. Wilcox

Project Dates

Start: September 1, 2016

End: January 30, 2019



Meghan L. Avolio
Johns Hopkins University
William D. Bowman
University of Colorado
Ethan Butler
University of Minnesota
Scott L. Collins
University of New Mexico
Jeffrey S. Dukes
Purdue University
Emily Grman
East Michigan University
Gregory R. Houseman
Wichita State University
Forest Isbell
University of Minnesota
David S. Johnson
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Trevor F. Keenan
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Nancy Y. Kiang
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Alan K. Knapp
Colorado State University
Sally E. Koerner
University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Kimberly J. Komatsu
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Lara M. Kueppers
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Adam Langley
Villanova University
Nathan Lemoine
Colorado State University
Michael E. Loik
University of California, Santa Cruz
Christopher J. Lortie
York University
Yiqi Luo
University of Oklahoma
Brian J. McGill
University of Maine
Paul Moorcroft
Harvard University
Ben Poulter
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Peter B. Reich
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Katherine Renwick
Montana State University
Osvaldo E. Sala
Brown University
Jackie Shuman
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Melinda D. Smith
Colorado State University
Andrew Tredennick
Utah State University
Anthony P. Walker
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ensheng Weng
University of Oklahoma
Kevin R. Wilcox
USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Yang Xia
Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)/Network Office (NET/LNO)


  1. Journal Article / 2019

    A comprehensive approach to analyzing community dynamics using rank abundance curves

  2. Journal Article / 2021

    Determinants of community compositional change are equally affected by global change

  3. Data Set / 2019

    Codyn R Package: Community Dynamics Metrics

  4. Presentations / 2018

    Building capacity for increased interactions between modelers and empiricists

  5. Journal Article / 2019

    Global change effects on plant communities are magnified by time and the number of global change factors imposed

  6. Journal Article / 2018

    Ambient changes exceed treatment effects on plant species abundance in global change experiments

  7. Journal Article / 2021

    Do trade-offs govern plant species' responses to different global change treatments?

  8. Journal Article / 2017

    Asynchrony among local communities stabilises ecosystem function of metacommunities

  9. Journal Article / 2021

    Shrub density effects on the community structure and composition of a desert animal community