LTER: A synthesis to identify how metacommunity dynamics mediate community responses to disturbance across the ecosystems represented in the LTER network
Project Description
What factors most affect the stability of ecosystems? Previous research has identified a few major factors (dispersal, niche differentiation, and habitat heterogeneity) as being important in recovery from disturbance. But researchers don’t know whether these factors confer stability over long time scales or across ecosystem types. Using datasets from across the LTER Network, the working group is assessing how the strongly each of these factors influences stability at different levels of disturbance and how the relationship changes over space and time.

Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates
Start: September 1, 2016
End: December 30, 2018
- Riley Andrade
- Arizona State University
- Colin Averill
- Boston University
- Jesse Blanchard
- Florida International University
- Dorothy Borowy
- University of Maryland
- Bryan L. Brown
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Max Castorani
- University of Virginia
- Chris Catano
- Aldo Compagnoni
- Rice University
- Lauren M. Hallett
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- Benjamin C. Jantzen
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- David S. Johnson
- Virginia Institute of Marine Science
- Michael Kendrick
- University of Alabama
- John S. Kominoski
- Florida International University
- Thomas Lamy
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Nina Lany
- Dartmouth College
- Luca Marazzi
- Florida International University
- Thomas E.X. Miller
- Rice University
- Sydne Record
- Bryn Mawr College
- Daniel C. Reed
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jennifer S. Rehage
- Florida International University
- Rolando Santos
- Florida International University
- Eric R. Sokol
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- Marko Spasojevic
- University of California, Irvine
- Christopher M. Swan
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Shawn D. Taylor
- Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
- Jonathan Tonkin
- Oregon State University
- Nicole Voelker
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Michael R. Willig
- University of Connecticut
- Nathan Wisnoski
- Indiana University
- Phoebe Zarnetske
- Michigan State University
Journal Article / 2021
Novel Insights to Be Gained From Applying Metacommunity Theory to Long-Term, Spatially Replicated Biodiversity Data
Presentations / 2018
Using Long Term Data to Understand Links between Environmental Variability and Metacommunity Stability