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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

The recent Australia cyclone and the 2005 Caribbean hurricane season, coupled with the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean, have stimulated interest in protective services provided by near-shore estuarine, wetland and mangrove habitats. The popular press now links the loss of human life and property to the degradation of interface ecosystems. These events provide a unique opportunity to quantify the value of protective services provided by near-shore vegetated habitats and compare them with economic gains from habitat conversion (e.g. forestry, shrimp farms, or development). We propose using these habitats in a case study for developing and testing assessment and planning tools for ecosystem-based management (EBM) that incorporates terrestrial and marine environments. We will bring together economists, ecologists, geographers, social scientists, and coastal managers to (1) collect and distill existing but scattered data on coastal zone services and value, (2) assess local community attitudes and institutions, and disseminate information about short-term vs. long-term values to help managers determine conservation zones, and (3) use data and modeling to plan EBM strategies that incorporate the interface nature of these systems.
Ecosystem Based Management Web Site

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Elise F. Granek, Shankar Aswani-Canela, Edward B. Barbier, Evamaria W. Koch, David M. Stoms

Project Dates

Start: January 22, 2007

End: March 21, 2010



Shankar Aswani-Canela
University of California, Santa Barbara
David Bael
University of Minnesota
Edward B. Barbier
University of Wyoming
Lori A. Cramer
Oregon State University
Mark Erdmann
Conservation International
Sarah Freed
Portland State University
Elise F. Granek
Portland State University
Sally Hacker
Oregon State University
Benjamin S. Halpern
University of California, Santa Barbara
Carrie V. Kappel
University of California, Santa Barbara
Christopher J. Kennedy
University of Wyoming
Evamaria W. Koch
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Nyawira Muthiga
Wildlife Conservation Society Kenya
Gerardo Perillo
Instituto Argentino de Oceanografia
Stephen Polasky
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Jurgenne H. Primavera
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Denise J. Reed
University of New Orleans
Brian R. Silliman
University of Florida
David M. Stoms
University of California, Santa Barbara
Eric Wolanski
Australian Institute of Marine Science


  1. Journal Article / 2012

    The way forward with ecosystem-based management in tropical contexts: Reconciling with existing management systems

  2. Journal Article / 2008

    Coastal ecosystem-based management with nonlinear ecological functions and values

  3. Journal Article / 2008

    Vegetation's role in coastal protection - Response

  4. Journal Article / 2010

    Ecosystem services as a common language for coastal ecosystem-based management

  5. Presentations / 2011

    Ecosystem services as a common language for coastal management: A case study of the Puget Sound Partnership

  6. Journal Article / 2009

    Non-linearity in ecosystem services: Temporal and spatial variability in coastal protection

  7. Journal Article / 2010

    Change in urban land use and associated attributes in the upper San Francisco estuary, 1990-2006