NCEAS Working Groups
Nitrogen transport and transformations: A regional and global analysis
Project Description
On behalf of the Scientific Committee on Problems in the Environment (SCOPE), we request funds to partially support the final synthesis activities of the SCOPE International Nitrogen Project. This project was established in 1993 to improve our understanding of the global nitrogen cycle via a focus upon changes at the scale of large regions; since that time four regional workshops have been held in the U.S., Chile, Taiwan, and Japan, with a fifth planned for China this October. Here, we describe a two year plan aimed at synthesizing and completing the Nitrogen Project. We have secured funds from the Mellon Foundation for a final symposium and for a book to be published in the SCOPE series. Our request to NCEAS is for support for 3 major activities that will lead up to and/or expand the final symposium and book. These include: 1) a number of small working groups that will focus on specific uncertainties in the global N cycle and will meet at the Center 2-3 times over an 18 month period; 2) a sabbatical as an NCEAS fellow for the co-chair of the SCOPE Nitrogen Project, Bob Howarth; and 3) the creation of a web site at the Center devoted to providing data and information on regional to global scale N cycling.

Principal Investigator(s)
Robert W. Howarth
Project Dates
- Richard B. Alexander
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Gregory P. Asner
- Stanford University
- Vladimir Bashkin
- Seoul National University
- Birgitta Bergman
- Stockholm University
- Gilles Billen
- Université Libre de Bruxelles Libre de Bruxelles
- Marina Azzaroli Bleken
- Agricultural University of Norway
- Mary Booth
- Ecosystems Center
- Elizabeth W. Boyer
- Cornell University
- Rob Braswell
- University of New Hampshire
- Doug Capone
- University of Maryland
- Ed Carpenter
- State University of New York (SUNY), Stony Brook
- Kenneth G. Cassman
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Pornpimol Chaiwanakupt
- Department of Agriculture, Chatuchak
- Cory C. Cleveland
- University of Colorado
- Sharon Collinge
- Tim Crews
- Prescott College
- Gretchen Daily
- Stanford University
- Frank J. Dentener
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Andrew P. Dobson
- Princeton University
- Paul R. Epstein
- Harvard Medical School
- Christopher B. Field
- Carnegie Institution
- John Freney
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- Jim Galloway
- University of Virginia
- Christine L. Goodale
- University of New Hampshire
- Pamela A. Green
- University of New Hampshire
- Nancy B. Grimm
- Arizona State University
- Elisabeth A. Holland
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Richard B. Howarth
- Dartmouth College
- Robert W. Howarth
- Cornell University
- Norbert Jaworski
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Penny Johnes
- University of Reading
- Dave Karl
- University of Hawaii, Mānoa
- Dennis Keeney
- Iowa State University
- Kate Lajtha
- Oregon State University
- Ricardo Letelier
- Oregon State University
- William Lewis
- University of Colorado
- Fred Lipschultz
- Bermuda Biological Station for Research
- Michael Mallin
- University of North Carolina
- Luiz Martinelli
- Universidade de São Paulo
- Pamela Matson
- Stanford University
- Bernhard Mayer
- University of Calgary
- William H. McDowell
- University of New Hampshire
- John M. Melack
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jerry M. Melillo
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Michel Meybeck
- Université de Paris
- Anthony F. Michaels
- University of Southern California
- Katsuyuki Minami
- National Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
- Arvin R. Mosier
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Knute Nadelhoffer
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Roz Naylor
- Stanford University
- Jason C. Neff
- Colorado State University
- Scott W. Nixon
- University of Rhode Island
- Hans W. Paerl
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Keith Paustian
- Colorado State University
- Edward B. Rastetter
- Ecosystems Center
- William Robertson
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- William H. Schlesinger
- Duke University
- Sybil Seitzinger
- State University of New Jersey, Rutgers
- Dan Sigman
- Princeton University
- Richard A. Smith
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Janet Sprent
- University of Dundee
- Lucas Stal
- Netherlands Institute of Ecology
- Alan R. Townsend
- University of Colorado
- Nico van Breemen
- Wageningen Agricultural University
- Douwe van Dam
- Wageningen Agricultural University
- Peter Vitousek
- Stanford University
- Charles J. Vorosmarty
- University of New Hampshire
- Guangxi Xing
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Zhao-Liang Zhu
- Institute of Soil Science
Journal Article / 2002
A comparison of models for estimating the riverine export of nitrogen from large watersheds
Journal Article / 2002
Nitrogen budgets for the Republic of Korea and the Yellow Sea region
Presentations / 1999
Regional and landscape-scale nitrogen budgets
Journal Article / 2002
Anthropogenic nitrogen sources and relationships to riverine nitrogen export in the northeastern USA
Book / 2002
The Nitrogen Cycle at Regional to Global Scales: Report of the International SCOPE Nitrogen Project
Book Chapter / 1998
Understanding effects of multiple stressors: Ideas and challenges
Journal Article / 2002
Forest nitrogen sinks in large eastern U.S. watersheds: Estimates from forest inventory and an ecosystem model
Report or White Paper / 2000
Clean coastal waters: Understanding and reducing the effects of nutrient pollution
Journal Article / 2000
Nutrient pollution of coastal rivers, bays, and seas
Journal Article / 2002
Nitrogen use in the United States from 1961-2000 and potential future trends
Book Chapter / 2002
The nitrogen cycle
Journal Article / 2002
Landscape, regional and global estimates of nitrogen flux from land to sea: Errors and uncertainties
Journal Article / 2002
Dinitrogen fixation in the world's oceans
Journal Article / 2002
Yield of nitrogen from minimally disturbed watersheds of the United States
Journal Article / 2002
Sources of nitrate in rivers draining sixteen watersheds in the northeastern U.S.: Isotopic constraints
Journal Article / 2001
Policy implications of human-accelerated nitrogen cycling
Journal Article / 2002
Policy implications of human-accelerated nitrogen cycling (Reprinted from Biogeochemistry, vol 52, pg 281-320, 2001)
Journal Article / 2002
The origin, composition and rates of organic nitrogen deposition: A missing piece of the nitrogen cycle?
Journal Article / 2002
Nitrogen retention in rivers: Model development and application to watersheds in the northeastern USA
Journal Article / 2002
Regional analysis of inorganic nitrogen yield and retention in high-elevation ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains
Journal Article / 2000
Nitrogen, nitrogen cycling
Journal Article / 2003
Human health effects of a changing global nitrogen cycle
Presentations / 1999
Estimated losses and storage of N inputs to 15 watersheds of the mid-Atlantic and New England states, USA
Journal Article / 2002
Where did all the nitrogen go? Fate of nitrogen inputs to large watersheds in the northeastern USA
Journal Article / 2002
Towards an ecological understanding of biological nitrogen fixation
Journal Article / 2002
Regional nitrogen budgets for China and its major watersheds