NCEAS Working Groups
Patterns in microbial biodiversity
Project Description
Microorganisms represent the vast majority of Earth's biodiversity and they play a crucial role in nearly every process of environmental importance. However we know very little about how microbial diversity is generated and maintained. Our ignorance is due in part to the isolation of microbial diversity studies from the general study of biodiversity. The proposed working group will bring together microbial biologists who are gathering microbial diversity data and ecologists who study biodiversity, to share tools and approaches, to look for patterns in microbial diversity data, and to propose future directions for microbial biodiversity research.

Principal Investigator(s)
Brendan J.M. Bohannan, Jennifer Hughes Martiny, Peter J. Morin, Anna-Louise Reysenbach
Project Dates
Start: September 1, 2002
End: August 31, 2005
- Brendan J.M. Bohannan
- Stanford University
- James H. Brown
- University of New Mexico
- Robert K. Colwell
- University of Connecticut
- Jed A. Fuhrman
- University of Southern California
- Jessica L. Green
- University of California, Davis
- M. Claire Horner-Devine
- Stanford University
- Jef Huisman
- University of Amsterdam
- Klaus Juergens
- Matthew Kane
- National Science Foundation
- Cheryl Kuske
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Mathew A. Leibold
- University of Texas, Austin
- Jennifer Hughes Martiny
- Brown University
- Peter J. Morin
- State University of New Jersey, Rutgers
- Jill L. S. Murray
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Gerard Muyzer
- Delft University of Technology
- Shahid Naeem
- Columbia University
- Lise Ovreas
- University of Bergen
- Owen Petchey
- University of Sheffield
- Anna-Louise Reysenbach
- Portland State University
- Val H. Smith
- University of Kansas
- James T. Staley
- University of Washington
- James M. Tiedje
- Michigan State University
- David M. Ward
- Montana State University
Book Chapter / 2006
Patterns in microbial biodiversity
Journal Article / 2005
Captured diversity in a culture collection: Case study of the geographic and habitat distributions of environmental isolates held at the American Type Culture Collection
Journal Article / 2008
A latitudinal diversity gradient in planktonic marine bacteria
Journal Article / 2006
Spatial scaling of microbial biodiversity
Book Chapter / 2007
Are microbes fundamentally different? Scaling relationships in microbial diversity
Book Chapter / 2006
Patterns in biodiversity: Are prokaryotes different?
Journal Article / 2007
A comparison of taxon co-occurrence patterns for macro- and microorganisms
Journal Article / 2006
Microbial biogeography: Putting microorganisms on the map
Journal Article / 2005
Phytoplankton species richness scales consistently from laboratory microcosms to the world's oceans