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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Urban runoff has been identified as one of many potential drivers of the decline of pelagic fishes in the upper San Francisco Estuary. Participants in this working group will use an ecological risk-assessment approach to address potential chemical influences on delta smelt, longfin smelt, threadfin shad, and striped bass in urban environments. Housing and transportation infrastructure drains into spawning and nursery areas for these species. Three of the species spawn during months in which rain typically falls, leading to substantial urban storm runoff. Shifts in the pesticides applied in urban environments, from organophosphates to synthetic pyrethroids and, more recently, phenyl pyrazoles, have coincided with steep declines in pelagic fishes. These newer pesticides have relatively long persistence times, and may be transported in sediments into the fishes’ habitat. There is potential for relatively high toxicity to prey items for larval fishes as well as to early life stages of the fishes.
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Daniel Schlenk

Project Dates

Start: August 11, 2009

End: March 17, 2010



Larry R. Brown
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Erica Fleishman
University of California, Santa Barbara
John M. Melack
University of California, Santa Barbara
John J. Oram
San Francisco Estuary Institute
Daniel Schlenk
University of California, Riverside
Nathaniel L. Scholz
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Geoffrey I. Scott
James Sickman
University of California, Riverside
Frank Spurlock
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Rebeca Tannebring
University of California, Santa Barbara
Don Weston
University of California, Berkeley
Qingfu Xiao
University of California, Davis
Thomas M. Young
University of California, Davis
Minghua Zhang
University of California, Davis

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