NCEAS Working Groups
Pyrogeography - fire's place in earth system science
Project Description
It is time to rethink the place of fire on Earth. Megafires are currently overwhelming human control, despite huge budgets and mature fire-fighting technologies. There is mounting evidence that, beyond immediate destruction of life and property, landscape fires have long-term effects on global carbon stocks, biodiversity, climate, world economies, and human health. Despite fires pervasive influence in many disciplines, there is no uniting theory or paradigm concerning the role of biomass burning in Earth science. Moreover, fire has not been satisfactorily considered by global change policy and ecosystem management. We, therefore, propose a thought experiment addressing:
1. Whether fire would evolve where carbon-based life is present
2. How it would evolve, and
3. How humans, their cultures, and fire may have coevolved
We will combine knowledge about biomass burning across fields to develop an integrative paradigm of 'pyrogeography' that addresses these fundamental questions. In a period of intensifying fire activity, our synthesis will provide crucial information that aids human adaptation.

Principal Investigator(s)
David Bowman, Jennifer K. Balch
Project Dates
Start: November 1, 2008
End: November 1, 2009
- Sally Archibald
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
- Paulo Artaxo
- Universidade de São Paulo
- Jennifer K. Balch
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Michael Bird
- James Cook University
- William J. Bond
- University of Cape Town
- David Bowman
- University of Tasmania
- Jean Carlson
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Mark Cochrane
- South Dakota State University
- Carla M. D'Antonio
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Ruth S. DeFries
- Columbia University
- John C. Doyle
- California Institute of Technology
- Sandy P. Harrison
- University of Bristol
- Fay Johnston
- University of Tasmania
- Jon Keeley
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Meg A. Krawchuk
- Simon Fraser University
- Christian Kull
- Universität Bern
- Michelle C. Mack
- University of Florida
- Jennifer R. Marlon
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- John B. Marston
- Brown University
- Max A. Moritz
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- I. Colin Prentice
- University of Bristol
- Stephen J. Pyne
- Arizona State University
- Christopher Roos
- Southern Methodist University
- Andrew C. Scott
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- Navjot S. Sodhi
- National University of Singapore
- Thomas W. Swetnam
- University of Arizona
- Guido van der Werf
- Vrije Universiteit
- Shaun Walbridge
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Christian Wells
- University of South Florida
- Grant Williamson
- University of Tasmania
Presentations / 2009
Presentations / 2009
Pyrogeography: Fire's place in earth system science
Journal Article / 2010
Fire and the spread of flowering plants in the Cretaceous
Journal Article / 2009
Fire in the earth system
Journal Article / 2011
The human dimension of fire regimes on Earth