NCEAS Working Groups
The roles of natural enemies and mutualists in plant invasions
Project Description
Invasive plant species both threaten native biodiversity and are economically costly (OTA 1993, Williamson 1996, Wilcove et al. 1998, Mack et al. 2000, Pimentel 2002). Recent results (Mitchell and Power 2003) suggest that invasive plants become widespread problems, in part, because they are released from attack by pathogens relative to their native range. However, the roles of herbivores and mutualists in plant invasions remain controversial (Maron and Vila 2001, Keane and Crawley 2002, Agrawal and Kotanen 2003), and the potential for interactive effects of natural enemies and mutualists has been little considered. This working group will examine the joint roles of herbivores, pollinators, mycorrhizal fungi, and pathogens in plant invasions. The first goal of this working group will be to more fully quantify the effects of plant introductions on their associations with these enemies and mutualists. We will achieve this by synthesizing existing data on the geographic occurrence and impact of insect herbivores, mycorrhizal fungi, pollinators, and pathogens. We will then examine to what degree changes in naturalized plants' associations with these other organisms can explain major patterns in biological invasions, particularly variation among naturalized species in their ecological impacts.

Principal Investigator(s)
Charles E. Mitchell, Alison G. Power
Project Dates
Start: April 20, 2004
End: July 13, 2006
- Anurag A. Agrawal
- University of Toronto
- James D. Bever
- Indiana University
- Ragan Callaway
- University of Montana
- Gregory S. Gilbert
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- Ruth A. Hufbauer
- Colorado State University
- Peter Kareiva
- The Nature Conservancy
- John N. Klironomos
- University of Guelph
- John L. Maron
- University of Montana
- Charles E. Mitchell
- Cornell University
- William F. Morris
- Duke University
- Ingrid M. Parker
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- Alison G. Power
- Cornell University
- Eric W. Seabloom
- Oregon State University
- Mark E. Torchin
- Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- Diego P. Vazquez
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Book Chapter / 2007
Integrating ecological and evolutionary theory of biological invasions
Journal Article / 2006
Biotic interactions and plant invasions
Journal Article / 2007
Direct and interactive effects of enemies and mutualists on plant performance: A meta-analysis
Journal Article / 2006
Human impacts, plant invasion, and imperiled, plant species in California