NCEAS Working Groups
Setting priorities and making decisions for conservation risk management
Project Description
Risk-based decisions are made routinely in medicine, toxicology, engineering, psychology, insurance and finance. The development of methods in these fields has been rapid but the paths followed and the tools developed have been different. To some extent the differences reflect the kinds of data and the range of problems people need to solve. In part, the differences are because methods have grown in relative isolation. A common problem facing practitioners in conservation biology is to identify priorities that discriminate among a suite of alternative actions. Biologists make decisions on a routine basis, but with little understanding of the techniques for decisions involving risk. The kinds of questions conservation biologists are obliged to answer will benefit substantially from advances in decision analysis and risk assessment made in other disciplines. This project will develop and expand the toolkit for problem solving available to conservation biologists by reviewing risk-based, priority setting methods in different fields, and bringing together people from different disciplines to examine the problems confronting conservation biologists, resulting in new approaches to finding solutions to priority setting and decision making problems.

Principal Investigator(s)
Mark Burgman
Project Dates
- Sandy J. Andelman
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Yakov Ben-Haim
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Mark Burgman
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Yohay Carmel
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
- Christopher Costello
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Geoff Cumming
- La Trobe University
- Jane Elith
- University of Melbourne
- Eric H. Fegraus
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Scott Ferson
- Applied Biomathematics
- Fiona Fidler
- University of Melbourne
- David R. Fox
- University of Melbourne
- Janet Franklin
- San Diego State University
- Keith Hayes
- CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
- David A. Keith
- New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service
- William T. Langford
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Per Lundberg
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Georgina Mace
- Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London
- Bryan Manly
- Deborah Mayo
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Michael A. McCarthy
- University of Melbourne
- Wendy Meiring
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Atte Moilanen
- University of Helsinki
- Hugh P. Possingham
- University of Queensland
- Helen M. Regan
- San Diego State University
- Kath Rowley
- Environment Protection Authority
- Mary Ruckelshaus
- NOAA, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
- Michael Runge
- US Geological Survey (USGS) Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
- Aris Spanos
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Anthony Starfield
- University of Minnesota
- Andy Stirling
- University of Sussex
- Colin Thompson
- University of Melbourne
- Andrew Tyre
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Peter Walley
- Unknown
- Robert L. Wears
- University of Florida
- Chris Wilcox
- University of Queensland
- Will G. Wilson
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Brendan Wintle
- University of Melbourne
Presentations / 2003
Population viability analyses and robust decisions for management: Combining population models with decision theory
Presentations / 2004
Dealing with uncertainty and making better decisions for orange-bellied parrots and Sumatran rhinos, 23 June 2004
Presentations / 2004
Information-gap decision theory: Applications in conservation biology, 23 October 2004
Journal Article / 2004
Population viability analysis and robust decisions for management: Combining population models with decision theory
Presentations / 2004
Robust decisions for species conservation: Satisficing under uncertainty (Keynote Address)
Presentations / 2004
Uncertainty in expert judgments in ecological risk assessments, 3 August 2004
Book / 2005
Risks and Decisions for Conservation and Environmental Management
Journal Article / 2004
Combining population viability analysis with decision analysis
Journal Article / 2004
Statistical reform in medicine, psychology and ecology
Journal Article / 2006
Planning for robust reserve networks using uncertainty analysis
Presentations / 2004
Robustness and risk trade-offs in management decisions for endangered species
Journal Article / 2005
Robust decision-making under severe uncertainty for conservation management
Presentations / 2005
Robust decision making under uncertainty for environmental management, 20 January 2005