NCEAS Working Groups
SNAPP: Integrating natural capital into system of national accounts: A case study of forestry and wetland landscapes in Rwanda
Project Description
Most national accounting systems of a country’s economic output fail to account for the role of natural capital or ecosystem services in underpinning that country’s growth. Rwanda is a “Core Implementing Country” of the World Bank’s Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) Global Partnership. Support from SNAPP will provide a model of critical resources for ensuring collaboration and synergies across the different groups who are working on these efforts including research institutions, NGOs, Government of Rwanda, and the World Bank. Within Rwanda, the results will contribute to several important initiatives including the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy; Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan; Poverty and Environment Initiative – all aimed at integrating environment into national policy and planning, and budget processes.
This working group will integrate natural capital into the national goals for economic growth of Rwanda. Specifically, the work will focus on non-market ecosystem services (for example, drinking water supplies or nutrient cycling provided by wetlands) from two priority landscapes in Rwanda - the Rugezi wetland and the Nyungwe National Park. In addition to valuing natural capital, this working group will explore economy-wide tradeoffs associated with alternative natural resource management and policy options to support landscape-level conservation and development planning.
The results from the working group will directly support Rwanda’s development planning and will serve as a model for other countries seeking to integrate natural capital (i.e., environmental protection and environmental values) into its goals for economic development. Beyond Rwanda, the results will give impetus to efforts by global initiatives like the WAVES, and the UN Green Economy, and provide a pathway for other governments committed to natural capital accounting.

Principal Investigator(s)
Janaki R. Alavalapati, Glenn-Marie Lange, Michel Masozera
Project Dates
Start: February 16, 2015
End: January 15, 2017
- Sofia Ahlroth
- World Bank
- Janaki R. Alavalapati
- Auburn University
- Kenneth Bagstad
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Mediatrice Bana
- Wildlife Conservation Society Rwanda
- Onil Banerjee
- Inter-American Development Bank
- Eron Bloomgarden
- EKO Asset Management Partners
- Fred Boltz
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Marie Laetitia Busokeye
- Rwanda Environment Management Authority
- Martin Cicowiez
- Hans A. Freiherr
- LeeAnne French
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jacob Hodari
- Republic of Rwanda, Ministry of Environment
- Jane Carter Ingram
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Vincent de Paul Kabalisa
- Rwanda Natural Resources Authority
- Innocent Kabenga
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Godfrey Kabera
- Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
- Desire Kagabo
- Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR)
- Samuel Kanyamibwa
- Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS) Network
- Charles Karangwa
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Peter Katanisa
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Pankaj Lal
- Montclair State University
- Glenn-Marie Lange
- World Bank
- Theobald Mashinga
- Embassy of Sweden
- Anna Masozera
- International Gorilla Conservation Programme
- Michel Masozera
- Wildlife Conservation Society Rwanda
- Jensen Montambault
- The Nature Conservancy
- Antoine Mudakikwa
- Rwanda Development Board
- Rodrigue Mugabo
- Wildlife Conservation Society, Rwanda
- Athanase Mukuralinda
- World Agroforestry Centre
- Alex Mulisa
- Rwanda's Green Fund (FONERWA)
- Yusuf Murangwa
- National institute of Statistics Rwanda
- Amini Mutaganda
- Rwanda Water and Forestry Authority
- Eugene Mutaganda
- Rwanda Development Board
- Leon Nabahungu
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
- Prime Ngabonziza
- Rwanda Water and Forestry Authority
- Grace Nishimwe
- Rwanda Natural Resources Authority
- Richard Niyomugabo
- Emmanuel Nkurunziza
- Rwanda National Resources Authority
- Tuyishime N.M
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Janvier Ntalindwa
- United Nations Development Programme
- Thomas Ochuodho
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Stephen Polasky
- University of Minnesota
- Denis Rugege
- United Nations Development Programme
- Coletha Ruhamya
- Rwanda Environment Management Authority
- Claudine Uwera
- University of Rwanda
Presentations / 2016
TNC board meeting presentation
Journal Article / 2018
The sensitivity of ecosystem service models to choices of input data and spatial resolution
Journal Article / 2019
Towards ecosystem accounts for Rwanda: Tracking 25 years of change in flows and potential supply of ecosystem services
Report or White Paper / 2017
Financing the sustainable management of Rwanda's protected areas
Journal Article / 2018
Financing the sustainable management of Rwanda's protected areas
Journal Article / 2020
Economic, land use, and ecosystem services impacts of Rwanda's Green Growth Strategy: An application of the IEEM+ESM platform
Journal Article / 2017
Valuing visitor services and access to protected areas: The case of Nyungwe National Park in Rwanda
Journal Article / 2016
Integrating natural capital into system of national accounts for policy analysis: An application of a computable general equilibrium model