NCEAS Working Groups
SNAPP: Integrating natural defenses into coastal disaster risk reduction
Project Description
The recent tsunami in Japan showed how even monumental built capital (levees, sea walls and artificial barrier islands) can be overcome by just one severe environmental event. The 2006 tsunami in Southeast Asia showed how natural capital (mangroves, coral reefs) can protect lives and property. Similarly, research and observations in the wake of recent hurricanes that have affected the Caribbean islands and the United States have demonstrated that natural systems can play critical roles in buffering people against coastal storm impacts. Our SNAP Working Group, will exploring how conserving existing coastal habitat and restoring what has been lost can help protect coastal communities and livelihoods from the impacts that result from storms – such as hydro-meteorological hazards like Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina -- and other extreme environmental events. Our Working group
composed of leaders from coastal engineering, conservation, ecology, aid and development will: 1) Provide evidence on when, where and how investments in natural defenses are cost-effective; 2) Develop practical guidance and tools for decision-makers and practitioners to implement solutions; 3) Identify policy and financial incentives that lead to reduced risks for people and nature.
This project is supported by the Science for Nature and People (SNAP) initiative, generously funded through founding grants by Shirley and Harry Hagey, Steve and Roberta Denning, Ward W. Woods, Jr., Seth Neiman, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

Principal Investigator(s)
Michael W. Beck, Jane Carter Ingram
Project Dates
Start: November 1, 2013
End: June 30, 2016
- Montserrat Acosta-Morel
- The Nature Conservancy
- Vera N. Agostini
- The Nature Conservancy
- Katie Arkema
- Natural Capital Project
- Michael W. Beck
- The Nature Conservancy
- Eron Bloomgarden
- EKO Asset Management Partners
- David Bresch
- Swiss Re
- Todd Bridges
- US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
- Mark A. Browne
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Kelly A. Burks-Copes
- US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
- Christina Chan
- US Department of State
- Jessica Couture
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Carolina Aguirre Echeverri
- Tufts University
- Guillermo Franco
- Guy Carpenter
- LeeAnne French
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Ashley A. Geary
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Craig Groves
- The Nature Conservancy
- Anne D. Guerry
- Stanford University
- Judy Haner
- The Nature Conservancy
- Jane Carter Ingram
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Jim Jarvie
- Mercy Corps
- Stacy D. Jupiter
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Jaap C.J. Kwadijk
- Deltares
- Robert Lalasz
- The Nature Conservancy
- Glenn-Marie Lange
- World Bank
- Caleb McClennen
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Imèn Meliane
- The Nature Conservancy
- Sarah Murdock
- The Nature Conservancy
- Siddharth Narayan
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Nigel Pontee
- Borja Reguero
- The Nature Conservancy
- Fabrice Renaud
- United Nations University
- Inigo Losada J. Rodriguez
- Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria
- Cristina M. Rumbaitis del Rio
- Rockefeller Foundation
- James N. Sanchirico
- University of California, Davis
- Fernando Secaira
- The Nature Conservancy
- Dania Trespalacios
- The Nature Conservancy
- Bregje van Wesenbeeck
- Deltares
- Paul S. Wilson
- Risk Management Solutions, Inc.
Journal Article / 2016
Prioritising mangrove ecosystem services results in spatially variable management priorities
Report or White Paper / 2015
Coastal risk reduction: Integrating natural defenses into a sustainable coastal rick management framework
Presentations / 2015
Ecology, economics, and engineering of nature-based coastal defenses
Report or White Paper / 2015
Guidelines for coastal and marine ecosystem accounting: Incorporating the protective service values of coral reefs and mangroves in national wealth accounts
Journal Article / 2018
The global flood protection savings provided by coral reefs
Report or White Paper / 2015
Protecting against coastal hazards in Manus and New Ireland provinces Papua New Guinea: An assessment of present and future options
Presentations / 2015
Reviewing the evidence for risk reduction by natural coastal habitats world-wide: When and where they have worked
Report or White Paper / 2016
Coastal wetlands and flood damage reduction: Using industry-based models to assess natural defenses in the northeastern USA
Data Set / 2016
Effectiveness, Costs and Benefits of Nature-based Defences for Wave Reduction
Journal Article / 2016
The effectiveness, costs, and coastal protection benefits of natural and nature-based defences
Journal Article / 2017
The value of coastal wetlands for flood damage reduction in the Northeastern USA
Journal Article / 2016
Nature-based solutions: Lessons from around the world
Journal Article / 2018
Comparing the cost effectiveness of nature-based and coastal adaptation: A case study from the Gulf Coast of the United States
Journal Article / 2016
Coastal and riverine ecosystems as adaptive flood defenses under a changing climate