NCEAS Working Groups
SNAPP: Measuring the status of fisheries and factors leading to success
Project Description
Around the world, fish provide about 3 billion people with almost 20 percent of their intake of animal protein, and 4.3 billion people with at least 15 percent of such protein. Unfortunately, the world’s best efforts at managing its fisheries are hampered by two distinct, but related challenges: 1) a profound lack of data on the health of global fish stocks, and 2) a lack of a systematic analysis of which elements of fisheries management systems lead to improvements in marine conservation, increases in food security, and reductions in poverty. To fill the gap, this SNAP Working Group will: 1) increase the coverage of the global fish stock status and management databases and identify major information gaps; 2) provide an evaluation of the status of fish stocks and fisheries for as much of the world as possible; and 3) conduct a systematic analysis linking management and exogenous factors leading to good outcomes in fisheries management.

Principal Investigator(s)
Ray Hilborn, Caleb McClennen, Ana Maria Parma
Project Dates
Start: November 1, 2014
End: July 31, 2018
- Ricardo O. Amoroso
- Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT)
- Chris Anderson
- University of Washington
- Julia K. Baum
- University of Victoria
- Doug Beare
- Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR)
- Trevor A. Branch
- University of Washington
- Christopher Costello
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Carryn DeMoor
- University of Cape Town
- Malek Faraj
- Institut National de Recherche halieutique
- Ray Hilborn
- University of Washington
- Olaf P. Jensen
- State University of New Jersey, Rutgers
- Hiroyuki Kurota
- Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute
- Pamela M. Mace
- Ministry for Primary Industries
- Timothy R. McClanahan
- Wildlife Conservation Society Kenya
- Caleb McClennen
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Michael C. Melnychuk
- University of Washington
- Coilin Minto
- Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
- Wendy Norden
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Giacomo Chato Osio
- EC Joint Research Centre
- Daniel Ovando
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Ana Maria Parma
- Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT)
- Robin Pelc
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Maite Pons
- University of Washington
- Carmen Revenga
- The Nature Conservancy
- Santi Roberts
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Jeremy Rude
- The Nature Conservancy
- Susana Segurado
- FishSource
- Xiujuan Shan
- Yellow Sea Research Institute
- Anthony D.M. Smith
- CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
- Cody Szuwalski
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jono R. Wilson
- The Nature Conservancy
- Yimin Ye
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Journal Article / 2017
Old-growth fishes become scarce under fishing
Journal Article / 2018
Changes in the size structure of marine fish communities
Presentations / 2015
Ocean prosperity and the effects of fishery recovery
Presentations / 2015
Upside analysis presentation
Journal Article / 2016
Global fishery prospects under contrasting management regimes
Presentations / 2016
Aligning conservation and seafood production: Potential barriers of offshore aquaculture expansion
Presentations / 2016
Opportunities and uncertainties of sustainable offshore aquaculture
Presentations / 2016
Potential and barriers of offshore aquaculture
Presentations / 2016
Keynote: Opportunities and challenges in sustainable offshore aquaculture
Presentations / 2016
Lecture: Opportunities and challenges in sustainable offshore aquaculture
Presentations / 2016
Opportunities and challenges in sustainable offshore aquaculture
Journal Article / 2017
The potential for blue growth in marine fish yield, profit and abundance of fish in the ocean
Journal Article / 2020
Effective fisheries management instrumental in improving fish stock status
Journal Article / 2021
Global status of groundfish stocks
Journal Article / 2017
Fisheries management impacts on target species status
Journal Article / 2020
Global trends in status and management of assessed stocks: achieving sustainable fisheries through effective management
Journal Article / 2021
Identifying management actions that promote sustainable fisheries
Journal Article / 2016
Effects of biological, economic and management factors on tuna and billfish stock status
Journal Article / 2017
Does unreported catch lead to overfishing?
Journal Article / 2019
Global forage fish recruitment dynamics: A comparison of methods, time-variation, and reverse causality