NCEAS Working Groups
SNAPP: Western Amazonia: Balancing Infrastructure Development among Conservation of Waters, Wetlands and Fisheries
Project Description
Topical experts will explore key questions related to the conservation of freshwater resources and human livelihoods in the flooded forests of Western Amazonia: 1) Where are the highest conservation value areas (HCVA) for the migratory fish on which food security in the Amazon depends? 2) What hydrological and limnological changes can be expected to impact migratory fish populations as a result of planned dams, hidrovías, and deforestation in the Andean headwaters? 3) How will climate change affect the seasonal flood and drought cycle of the Amazon? 4) How will human livelihoods be impacted by changes in water quality, water quantity, and fish availability caused by climate change and/or the development of upstream dams? These efforts will be followed by a set of workshops focused on policy and management recommendations with key decision makers and funding organizations. Spatial analyses and modeling using existing data and information on fisheries, ecological and regulated flows from planned dams, land use change, climate change, and human livelihoods will be used to evaluate a range of future scenarios for the conservation and development of the Western Amazon basin. Expert working groups will include staff from WCS and TNC as well as scientists from government, research, academic, and development institutions in Brazil, Peru, and the US. To ensure that scientific analyses and policy recommendations inform one another and are seamlessly integrated, a subset of members of the expert group on policy and management will serve as advisors to the management team and scientific working group leads throughout the project.

Principal Investigator(s)
Michael Goulding, Craig Groves, Mariana Varese
Project Dates
Start: October 1, 2013
End: April 1, 2016
- Oriana Trindade de Almeida
- Universidade Federal do Pará
- Antonio L Andrade
- Secrearia Estadual de Meio Ambiente
- Marco Antonio
- Instituto de Pesquisas Ecolôgicas
- Angel Antonio Collantes Freitas
- Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión Medio Ambiente
- Marco Antonio del Aguila
- Director Regional Agricultura Loreto
- Angel Antonio Saldivar Hidalgo
- Autoridad Administrativa del Agua Iquitos
- Roxana Barrantes
- Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
- Flavio Barros
- Universidade Federal do Pará
- Ronaldo Barthem
- Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi
- Edward Beighley
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Cristina Buck Silva
- Instituto Brasileiro do M. Amb. E Rec. Nat. Ren.
- Yara Camargo
- Carlos Cañas
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Olinda Canhoto
- Natura Cosmetics
- Leila Carvalho
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Hamilton Casara
- Leandro Castello
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Marisete Catapan
- Consultora Policies
- Jorge Celi
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Paula Ceotto
- Conservation International
- Tulio César Correa Girón
- Dirección Regional de la Producción (DIREPRO)
- Dermilson Chagas
- Assembleia Legislativa Amazonas
- Avecita Chicchon
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- Diego Coll
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Walter Collischonn
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- Steve Cornelius
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- Iguatemi Costa
- Natura Cosmetics
- Marcos Costa
- Federal University of Viçosa
- Jane Crespo
- Frank W. Davis
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Carlos C. Durigan
- Fundação Vitória Amazônica (FVA)
- Don Eaton
- Wildlife Conservation Society Brazil
- Guillermo Estupiñán
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Luis Felipe Vela
- Jefe Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria
- Camila Ferrara
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Efrem Ferreira
- Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Amazonas
- João B Ferreira da Silva
- Departamento de Mudanças Climáticas y Unidades de Conservação
- Naziano Filizola
- Universidade Federal do Amazonas
- Bruce R. Forsberg
- Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Amazonas
- Carlos E Freitas
- Universidade Federal do Amazonas
- LeeAnne French
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Edenise Garcia
- The Nature Conservancy
- Maressa Girão
- Instituto Chico Mendes de Conserv. Biodiv.
- Manuel Glave
- Group for the Analysis of Development
- Josè Gomes
- Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Amazonas
- Rubens Gomes
- Grupo de Trabalho Amazônico
- Michael Goulding
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Craig Groves
- The Nature Conservancy
- Raul Gustavo Torres Vasquez
- Programa Regional de Manejo de Recursos Forestales y de Fauna Silvestre (PRMRFFS)
- Stephanie E. Hampton
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jane Carter Ingram
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Wilde Itaborahy
- Instituto Socioambiental
- Wilfredo Jazer Echevarría Suárez
- Dirección de Conservación y Planeamiento de Recursos Hídricos
- Charles Jones
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Alberto Junior
- Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura
- Thais Kasecker
- Conservation International
- Carlos Koury
- Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Conserv. Do Amazonas
- Julie Kunen
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Robert Lalasz
- The Nature Conservancy
- Charo Lanao
- Peripheral Vision Consultancy
- Urbano Lopes da Silva
- Instituto Chico Mendes de Conserv. Biodiv.
- Jose Luis Alegria Mendez
- Gerencia de Desarrollo Económico
- José Maco
- Programa de Investigacion en Cambio Climatico, Desarrollo Territorial y Ambiente (PROTERRA)
- Sergio Luiz de Medeiros Rivero
- Universidade Federal do Pará
- John M. Melack
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Fernando Melendez Celis
- Gobierno Regional Loreto
- Yran Mendes
- Sindicato dos Armadores de Pesca do AM
- Armando Mercado
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Jensen Montambault
- The Nature Conservancy
- Mariana Montoya
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Victor Montreuil
- Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana
- Luis Moya
- Gobierno Regional Loreto
- Pedro Neto
- Hermes Norman Sánchez
- Dirección Regional de la Producción (DIREPRO)
- Rodrigo Paiva
- Ohio State University
- Ronildo Palmere
- Sindicato dos Pescadores do Amazonas
- Marcelo Parise
- Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region (SIPAM)
- Pedro Peres-Neto
- Université du Québec, Montreal
- Paulo Petry
- The Nature Conservancy
- Natalia Piland
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Helder Queiroz
- Instituto de Desenv. Sust. Mamirauá
- Marcelo Raseira
- Centro Pesquisa Biodiv. Amaz.
- George Rebelo
- Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Amazonas
- Dérzio L Reis
- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Amazonas
- Carlos Reyes
- Gobierno Regional Loreto
- Mauro Ribeiro
- Instituto Brasileiro de Geografía e Estatística
- Juan Carlos Riveros
- World Wildlife Fund
- John Robbinson
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Maria Rosario Lanao
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Felipe Rossoni
- Instituto Piagaçu
- Mauro Ruffino
- GSA Consultoria
- Alfredo Salinas
- The Nature Conservancy
- Cristian Samper
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Leila Sena Blos
- Instituto Chico Mendes de Conserv. Biodiv.
- Fabiano Silva
- Luis Paz Soldan
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Antonio Stroski
- Secrearia Estadual de Meio Ambiente
- Samuel Tararan
- World Wildlife Fund, Brazil
- Cristina Tofoli
- Instituto de Pesquisas Ecolôgicas
- Emma Torres
- United Nations Development Programme
- Katia Torres Ribeiro
- Instituto Chico Mendes de Conserv. Biodiv.
- Mariana Varese
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Micaela Varese
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Ana Vasconcelos Garrido
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Eduardo Venticinque
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
- Virgilio Viana
- Fundação Amazonas Sustentável
Journal Article / 2017
Goliath catfish spawning in the far western Amazon confirmed by the distribution of mature adults, drifting larvae and migrating juveniles
Journal Article / 2017
The potential impact of new Andean dams on Amazon fluvial ecosystems
Journal Article / 2018
Ecosystem-based management of Amazon fisheries and wetland
Journal Article / 2016
An explicit GIS-based river basin framework for aquatic ecosystem conservation in the Amazon
Data Set / 2016
SNAPP Western Amazon Group - Amazon Aquatic Ecosystem Spatial Framework
Journal Article / 2016
Projections of climate change effects on discharge and inundation in the Amazon basin