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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Both the means and the variances of such important environmental variables as growing-season temperature and rainfall are projected to increase in many regions over the 21st century. While effects on organisms of changes in mean conditions have often been anticipated, the potential effects of increasing variability have been relatively neglected. We propose a Stochastic Demography Working Group to assess how increasing environmental variability is likely to impact populations of plants and animals. Using unpublished demographic data for a diverse set of taxa and new theoretical tools developed by group members, we will compare the effects of changes in the means vs. the variances of environmental variables, as well as the pattern of sensitivity to environmental variability across species, life histories, and habitats. In addition, we will ask whether the demographic processes that most influence population growth are the least sensitive to environmental variation, a pattern that has been observed in the relatively small number of species previously tested and that would serve to buffer populations against increasing environmental variability. Our ultimate goal is to improve the ability of ecologists to forecast the consequences for the long-term viability of populations of not only overall trends in environmental conditions but also expected changes in year-to-year variability.
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

William F. Morris, Catherine A. Pfister, Shripad Tuljapurkar

Project Dates

Start: April 18, 2004

End: November 9, 2005



Carol Boggs
Stanford University
Mark Boyce
University of Alberta
Emilio M. Bruna
University of Florida
Tim Coulson
Imperial College, London, Silwood Park Campus
Daniel F. Doak
University of California, Santa Cruz
John M. Drake
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jean-Michel Gaillard
Université Claude Bernard
Chirakkal V. Haridas
Stanford University
Carol C. Horvitz
University of Miami
Susan Kalisz
University of Pittsburgh
Bruce E. Kendall
University of California, Santa Barbara
Tiffany M. Knight
Washington University in St. Louis
Charlotte Lee
Stanford University
Michael Dechen Mastrandrea
Stanford University
Eric S. Menges
Archbold Biological Station
William F. Morris
Duke University
Catherine A. Pfister
University of Chicago
Shripad Tuljapurkar
Stanford University


  1. Journal Article / 2006

    Demography in an increasingly variable world

  2. Data Set / 2006

    Calathea ovandensis demography data

  3. Data Set / 2006

    Ardisia elliptica (invasive exotic) demography in Florida: Light and moisture dependence

  4. Journal Article / 2006

    Lifetime reproductive success and density-dependent multi-variable resource selection

  5. Journal Article / 2007

    Lifetime reproductive success and composition of the home range in a large herbivore

  6. Journal Article / 2008

    Cross-generational effects of habitat and density on life history in red deer

  7. Presentations / 2005

    Population consequences of increasing climatic variability, 11 March 2005

  8. Journal Article / 2008

    Longevity can buffer plant and animal populations against changing climatic variability

  9. Data Set / 2006

    Hurricane related demography of Ardisia escallonioides (FL)

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