NCEAS Working Groups
Synthesis of elk influences on the Northern Yellowstone ecosystem and role of research in national park policy setting
Project Description
This is a proposal for support during calendar 1998 to synthesize ecological evidence on effects of elk herbivory on the Yellowstone National Park (YNP), 100,000-ha northern-range ecosystem, and to assess use of that evidence in setting management policy in the Park; and more broadly to explore procedures for, and effective use of science in, setting policies in the National Park System. The effort would have 4 major components:
- Analysis by the Center Fellow of the entire 123-year data base on (a) the northern herd's population trajectory from before Park establishment (1872) to present; (b) trends in northern-range vegetation composition and production, sympatric herbivores, and hydrology; and (c) correlation between the 2 trends. Measurements inside Park exclosures from the 1930s to present, and outside Park boundaries, would serve as quasi-controls.
- The Center Fellow would compare results of the synthesis with previous use of the data base, and inferences therefrom, for supporting park-management policy.
- An October 1998 Working Group of public-land-law and public-administration theorists would be convened at NCEAS to explore protocols for policy setting in national parks that are legally and politically appropriate in the context of the emerging paradigm for policy setting on other public lands, and the unique public-land status of national parks.
- A November 1998 Working Group of theorists on the role of science in policy would be convened at NCEAS to explore the sociological influences affecting inferences from scientific evidence on the elk effects.
These 2 components would be followed by a September 1998 Working Group at NCEAS of scientists on all sides of the issue to critique and debate the synthesis.
The final product would be a book synthesizing the results of all 4 components, or one publication each on the ecological synthesis and the policy aspects.

Climatology Working Group:
Principal Investigator(s)
Frederic H. Wagner
Project Dates
- Briane Adams
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- Connely Baldwin
- Utah State University
- Connely Bladwin
- Utah State University
- Daniel Cayan
- University of California, San Diego
- Michael Dettinger
- University of California, San Diego
- John Fyfe
- University of Victoria
- Donald Glaser
- Engineering Planning Consultants
- Jade Henderson
- Wyoming State Engineers Office
- Todd Hinkley
- Unknown
- Brian H. Hurd
- Stratus Consulting Incorporated
- Upmanu Lall
- Utah State University
- Larry J. MacDonnell
- Lawrence J. MacDonnell, P.C.
- Linda Mearns
- Unknown
- Josh Phillips
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Roger A. Pielke, Jr.
- Colorado State University
- John Redlinger
- US Bureau of Reclamation
- Kelly Redmond
- Desert Research Institute
- Jeanne Ruefer
- State of Nevada
- Grant Salter
- Bureau of Reclamation
- Susan Selby
- Southern Nevada Water Authority
- Thomas Stohlgren
- Colorado State University
- Marc Waage
- Denver Water
- Frederic H. Wagner
- Utah State University
- Richard F. Wells
- US Bureau of Reclamation
- Robert Wilby
- Unknown
- Robert Wilkinson
- University of California, Santa Barbara
Journal Article / 1998
What is "natural"?: Yellowstone elk population - A case study
Presentations / 1998
Effects of elk on the Yellowstone northern range ecosystem: A circuitous scientific saga
Presentations / 1998
Science and policy setting for public lands: The need for public process in Yellowstone and other national parks
Report or White Paper / 1999
Analysis and/or advocacy: What role(s) for ecologists?
Presentations / 1999
Freeing research from policy pressures: A terrestrial example
Journal Article / 1999
Objective science and politics: Can they coexist? (Review of Wilkinson, T. 1999. Science under siege: The politicians' war on nature and truth. Johnson Books, Boulder, CO)
Journal Article / 1999
Journal Article / 1999
Review: Sustaining the system
Journal Article / 1999
Values, science, and policy: How best to serve the national parks
Journal Article / 1999
Whatever happened to the National Biological Survey?
Presentations / 1999
Yellowstone's northern range ecosystem: Interface between science and policy
Journal Article / 2001
Freeing agency research from policy pressures: A need and an approach
Presentations / 2001-2004
Climate-change effects on the Rocky Mountain/ Great Basin region
Presentations / 2001-2004
Climate-change effects on the Rocky Mountain/Great Basin region
Journal Article / 2003
Preparing for a changing climate: The potential consequences of climate variability and change, Rocky Mountain/ Great Basin
Presentations / 2004
Ecology of Great Basin invasive plant species, 17 March 2004
Presentations / 2006
Global warming effects on climatically-imposed ecological gradients in the west
Presentations / 2006
Global warming: Evidence and effects
Presentations / 2006
Global warming: Evidence and effects
Presentations / 2006
Global warming: Evidence and effects
Presentations / 2006
Global warming: It's real, it's human caused, it needs to be fixed
Book / 2006
Yellowstone's Destabilized Ecosystem: Elk Effects, Science, and Policy Conflicts
Presentations / 2007
Climate change and environmental effects in the west
Journal Article / 2007
Global warming effects on climatically-imposed ecological gradients in the west
Presentations / 2007
Global warming: Evidence and effects
Presentations / 2007
Species responses to climate change: Harbingers of community and system change
Presentations / 2008
Ecosystem disturbance and wildlife interactions in the Western Cordillera: Research and management needs
Presentations / 2008
Science and policy in managing western national park ecosystems
Presentations / 2008
Species responses to climate change: Harbingers of community and system change
Presentations / 2008
The impacts of climate change on the mountain west
Presentations / 2009
Climate change and effects on Utah's ecology
Book Chapter / 2009
Climate change projected for the 21st century and measured for the 20th in the rocky mountain/great basin region
Book Chapter / 2009
Climate warming and environmental effects in the west: Evidence for the 21st
Presentations / 2009
Global warming effects and human solutions
Presentations / 2009
Global warming effects on the world's biota- a no- analog future
Journal Article /
Climate-warming effects on interspecific interactions: Elements of community and system change