NCEAS Working Groups
A synthesis of patterns, analyses, and mechanisms of beta-diversity along ecological gradients
Project Description
The factors that regulate biodiversity in any given locality are well studied, and include environmental, biotic, and regional factors. An important but poorly understood aspect of biodiversity is the variation in the composition of species that occur in different localities. This compositional variation, known as Beta-diversity, is driven by a variety of factors. Understanding the patterns of Beta-diversity and underlying processes that shape it is fundamental to studies of biodiversity, but is hampered by a lack of appropriate metrics, statistical analyses, and datasets. This working group will bring together ecologists with varied expertise in biodiversity and its statistical analysis across a variety of ecosystems. We will develop Beta-diversity metrics and analyses. We will then use these to synthesize the patterns of Beta-diversity among a variety of taxa along key ecological gradients to understand how and why Beta-diversity varies spatially, and how it influences the scaling of biodiversity from small to large scales. This research will not only provide a much clearer understanding of biodiversity gradients across ecological scales, but will inform biodiversity conservation and restoration actions, which typically only focus on local spatial scales.

Principal Investigator(s)
Jonathan M. Chase, Amy L. Freestone, Nathan J. Sanders
Project Dates
Start: November 1, 2009
End: December 1, 2010
- Marti J. Anderson
- Massey University, Albany
- Jonathan M. Chase
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Liza S. Comita
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Howard V. Cornell
- University of California, Davis
- Thomas O. Crist
- Miami University
- Kendi F. Davies
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- Amy L. Freestone
- Temple University
- Susan P. Harrison
- University of California, Davis
- Brian D. Inouye
- Florida State University
- Nathan J.B. Kraft
- University of British Columbia
- Jonathan A. Myers
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Nathan J. Sanders
- University of Tennessee
- James C. Stegen
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Nathan G. Swenson
- Michigan State University
- Mark Vellend
- University of British Columbia
Journal Article / 2011
Navigating the multiple meanings of beta diversity: A roadmap for the practicing ecologist
Journal Article / 2011
Disentangling the importance of ecological niches from stochastic processes across scales
Journal Article / 2011
Using null models to disentangle variation in community dissimilarity from variation in alpha-diversity
Journal Article / 2013
Scale-dependent effect sizes of ecological drivers on biodiversity: Why standardised sampling is not enough
Journal Article / 2011
Latitudinal variation in local interactions and regional enrichment shape patterns of marine community diversity
Journal Article / 2011
'Structured' beta diversity increases with climatic productivity in a classic dataset
Journal Article / 2011
Disentangling the drivers of beta diversity along latitudinal and elevational gradients
Journal Article / 2011
Much ado about nothings: Using zero similarity points in distance-decay curves
Journal Article / 2013
Stochastic and deterministic drivers of spatial and temporal turnover in breeding bird communities
Journal Article / 2011
Deterministic tropical tree community turnover: Evidence from patterns of functional beta diversity along an elevational gradient