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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

We will develop a modeling and data integration framework for EBM and apply that framework to a case study from coastal California. By bringing experts in the modeling of natural and human systems together with policy specialists, the working group will develop a policy relevant modeling approach that includes the dynamics of social, biophysical and economic components of the ecosystem and critical feedbacks among them, and an explicit risk assessment component. Then, in collaboration with scientists and managers knowledgeable about the coastal California system, we will develop a detailed case study using this modeling approach as a basis. Key questions about how to cope with uncertainty, how to define ecosystem boundaries, and what constitute appropriate and effective indicators of ecosystem health and performance, will be addressed through the case study. The result will be a tool that scientists and policy makers use to develop an ecosystem-based approach to management of this system, and by extension others.
Ecosystem Based Management Web Site

Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Fiorenza Micheli, Andrew A. Rosenberg

Project Dates

Start: January 25, 2006

End: February 7, 2009



Irit Altman
University of New Hampshire
Kenneth Broad
University of Miami
Bernardo R. Broitman
University of California, Santa Barbara
Daniel R. Brumbaugh
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Kai M.A. Chan
University of British Columbia
Christopher Costello
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ronald Eastman
Clark University
Michael J. Fogarty
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Steven D. Gaines
University of California, Santa Barbara
Benjamin S. Halpern
University of California, Santa Barbara
Carrie V. Kappel
University of California, Santa Barbara
Salvador Lluch Cota
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR)
Marc Mangel
University of California, Santa Cruz
Rebecca Martone
Stanford University
Susanne Menzel
University of British Columbia
Fiorenza Micheli
Stanford University
Giacomo Chato Osio
University of New Hampshire
Andrew A. Rosenberg
University of New Hampshire
James N. Sanchirico
Resources for the Future
Geoffrey G. Shester
Stanford University
David A. Siegel
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ana Spalding
University of California, Santa Cruz
Sarah J. Teck
University of New Hampshire
James R. Watson
University of California, Santa Barbara


  1. Journal Article / 2010

    Conservation management approaches to protecting the capacity for corals to respond to climate change: A theoretical comparison

  2. Journal Article / 2009

    In the zone: Comprehensive ocean protection

  3. Journal Article / 2000

    Biological effects of shellfish harvesting on oyster reefs: resolving a fishery conflict by ecological experimentation

  4. Journal Article / 2013

    Linking human activity and ecosystem condition to inform marine ecosystem based management

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