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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Shallow water reef corals deposit calcium carbonate skeletons that collectively form massive three-dimensional structures known as coral reefs. A huge number of plants and animals call these structures home, and these tropical marine ecosystems make a significant contribution to the economies of many nations through tourism, fishing and coastline protection. Over the past half century, climatic conditions, pollution and over fishing have severely damaged the integrity of many coral reefs across the globe and pessimists believe that these ecosystems could disappear completely in the next 100 years. Evidence from present-day and fossil reef communities, however, suggests that some corals and reef communities persist and even thrive in environmental conditions that cause others to die. Yet the factors that make a given coral or coral reef community resistant or sensitive to stress, or better or less able to recover from disturbance, are not well understood. Our working group brings together scientists from the United States, Australia, Taiwan, France, and Kenya to: 1) synthesize data and identify coral species that are better able to withstand or recover from stress and define the organismic and genetic traits that characterize these species, and 2) identify coral communities and the physical features of their habitats that are associated with resistance to disturbance. We will use this information to forecast the structure, function and ecosystem services of reef communities in a future strongly influenced by climate change (warming and ocean acidification). Fringing reefs such as this one in Moorea, French Polynesia (photographed in April 2010), represent one of the most diverse ecosystems on our planet. Human and natural disturbances over the last few decades, including the effects of climate change, may push them to extinction. This working group seeks to determine whether an alternative outcome might exist, at least for a period of time, in which dramatically different reefs are ecologically dominated by a subset of corals that are resistant to environmental assault. UPDATE: October 2013 Our working group has been highly productive this past year with two pending publications and the leadership to two NSF Earth Cube end user workshops for the coral reef systems community. In addition based on the work and ideas from this working group, the $10,000 top prize of the Paul G. Allen Ocean Challenge was awarded to PI Ruth Gates and working group participant, Madeleine van Oppen from the Australian Institute of Marine Science, for their idea to increase the resilience of critical and highly vulnerable coral reef ecosystems. This work is supported by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, a Center funded by NSF (Grant #EF-0553768), the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the State of California.
Working Group Participants

Principal Investigator(s)

Peter J. Edmunds, Ruth D. Gates

Project Dates

Start: October 1, 2010

End: August 31, 2012



Mehdi Adjeroud
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Marissa L. Baskett
University of California, Davis
Julia K. Baum
University of California, Santa Barbara
Iliana B. Baums
Pennsylvania State University
Lorenzo Bramanti
California State University, Northridge
Ann F. Budd
University of Iowa
Scott Burgess
University of California, Davis
Robert Carpenter
California State University, Northridge
Peter J. Edmunds
California State University, Northridge
Nicholas S. Fabina
University of California, Davis
Tung- Yung Fan
National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium
Amanda Fishbin
Erik Franklin
University of Hawaii
Ruth D. Gates
University of California, Santa Barbara
Kevin Gross
North Carolina State University
Xueying Han
University of California, Santa Barbara
Lianne Jacobson
California State University, Northridge
Chandler Jennings
Sarah Kaufman
James S. Klaus
University of Miami
Michael Lesser
University of New Hampshire
Timothy R. McClanahan
Wildlife Conservation Society Kenya
Jennifer K. O'Leary
University of California, Santa Barbara
Xavier Pochon
University of Hawaii, Mānoa
Hollie M. Putnam
University of Hawaii
Tyler B. Smith
University of the Virgin Islands
Michael Stat
University of Hawaii, Mānoa
Madeleine J.H. van Oppen
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Robert van Woesik
Florida Institute of Technology
Chris Wall
California State University, Northridge
Denise Yost
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology


  1. Journal Article / 2014

    Response diversity can increase ecological resilience to disturbance in coral reefs

  2. Journal Article / 2014

    Evaluating the causal basis of ecological success within the Scleractinia:An integral projection model approach

  3. Journal Article / 2014

    Persistence and change in community composition of reef corals through present,past and future climates

  4. Journal Article / 2012

    Transmission mode predicts specificity and interaction patterns in coral-symbiodinium networks

  5. Journal Article / 2015

    The differential effects of increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme events on coral populations

  6. Journal Article / 2011

    GeoSymbio: A hybrid, cloud-based web application of global geospatial bioinformatics and ecoinformatics for Symbiodinium-host symbioses

  7. Data Set / 2011

    GeoSymbio: Symbiodinium-host symbioses

  8. Data Set / 2011

    GeoSymbio: Symbiodinium-host symbioses

  9. Journal Article / 2015

    Stability of Caribbean coral communities quantified by long-term monitoring and autoregression models

  10. Data Set / 2011

    Expert opinion on coral tolerance, recovery, and resilience

  11. Data Set / 2011

    Long term coral cover changes from six sites around the world

  12. Journal Article / 2013

    Convergent mortality responses of Caribbean coral species to seawater warming

  13. Journal Article / 2015

    Building coral reef resilience through assisted evolution

  14. Journal Article / 2012

    Hosts of the Plio-Pleistocene past reflect modern-day coral vulnerability

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