NCEAS Working Groups
Understanding changes in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem: Analysis of Past Dynamics to Improve Prediction of Future Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Change
Project Description
How will the structure, the productivity, and the dynamics of the coastal Gulf of Alaska ecosystem respond to anticipated changes in environmental conditions and human disturbances within coastal waters? Our proposed working group will take an integrated two-pronged approach to examining the past 25-years of data from the Gulf of Alaska for insights into the present state and future changes in the region, both anthropogenic and natural. Statistical analysis of observed states and changes among physical and biological ecosystem
components will highlight sensitivities to changes in the physical environment across trophic levels. Model analyses will characterize sensitivities to environmental variability and estimate the effects of future oceanographic changes and management and policies on both ecological and human dimensions. Experts in social-ecological systems will guide research and activities towards the examination of the consequences of ecosystem change to human needs and

Principal Investigator(s)
Thomas A. Okey, Teresa Klinger, James J. Ruzicka
Project Dates
Start: September 1, 2014
End: November 30, 2016
- Cameron Ainsworth
- University of South Florida
- Edward H. Allison
- University of Washington
- Natalie C. Ban
- University of Victoria
- Rachael E. Blake
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- William Cheung
- University of British Columbia
- Jessica Couture
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Thomas A. Dean
- Coastal Resources Associates Inc.
- Sarah Gaichas
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Benjamin S. Halpern
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Amber Himes-Cornell
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Kristin Hoelting
- Colorado State University
- Henry Huntington
- Human Dimensions of the Arctic System
- Stephen Kasperski
- NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
- Teresa Klinger
- University of Washington
- Zachary Koehn
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Conor Maguire
- University of Washington
- Daniel H. Monson
- US Department of the Interior
- Thomas A. Okey
- University of Victoria
- Carlos G.A Ormond
- Simon Fraser University
- James J. Ruzicka
- Oregon State University
- Samantha Siedlecki
- University of Washington
- Colette L. Ward
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- J. Timothy Wootton
- University of Chicago
- Stephani Zador
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Journal Article / 2018
Factors Affecting Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Using the Community Capitals Framework
Journal Article / 2018
Indicators of marine ecosystem integrity for Canada's Pacific: An expert-based hierarchical approach
Journal Article / 2017
Linking ecosystem processes to communities of practice through commercially fished species in the Gulf of Alaska