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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

We propose to convene a small group of ecologists at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) in the spring of 1997 to discuss the seemingly universal phenomena in ecology. The workshop is based on two premises: i) there are seemingly universal empirical patterns in ecology, and ii) one way to achieve synthesis will be to develop theoretical and mechanistic explanations for these phenomena. SFI will host the workshop and will contribute half ($10,000) of the expenses. We request that NCEAS co-sponsor the workshop and contribute equal funds. The advantage of holding the working group meeting at SFI, rather than at the NCEAS facility in Santa Barbara, is that ecologists will be able to benefit from the interdisciplinary contributions of the diverse scientists who will be present at SFI.

Principal Investigator(s)

James H. Brown, Crawford S. Holling, Simon A. Levin, David Tilman

Project Dates

Start: March 10, 1997

End: March 12, 1997




  1. Report or White Paper / 1997

    Report on a workshop on universal phenomena in ecology