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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Population management as a general problem has three main aspects: conservation , harvesting and control. In the first, a manager is interested in increasing the size of a population that is declining to extinction; in the second, the aim is to maintain the size of a population of an exploited species at a productive level; and in the last, to cause a decrease in the numbers of a pest. The common thread is the regulation of population size and growth rate under some management regime. Yet, in spite of this, these goals are often thought about as separate issues (as the proliferation of books on 'conservation' and 'pest control', and the relative inaccessibility of the fisheries management literature will testify). All three areas have developed relatively independently, and have fairly strong theoretical constructs, with conceptual and mathematical models. The differences are great enough that each has something to teach the other. However, it seems that there are a great many commonalities and that the time is right for an examination of the shared theoretical underpinnings, objectives and tools. This proposal, which is for a synthesis as well as more specific cross-field projects, calls for a working group of approximately 12 people (including 5-6 students) representing the three areas of interest to spend four weeks at the NCEAS in July/August of 1997, and for a small follow-up group of 2 people a year later.

Principal Investigator(s)

Katriona Shea, Marc Mangel, Hugh P. Possingham

Project Dates

Start: July 27, 1997

End: August 24, 1997



Priyanga Amarasekare
University of California, Irvine
Peter Kareiva
University of Washington
Marc Mangel
University of California, Santa Cruz
Joslin L. Moore
Imperial College, London, Silwood Park Campus
William W. Murdoch
University of California, Santa Barbara
Erik Noonburg
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ana Maria Parma
International Pacific Halibut Commission
Miguel Pascual
University of Washington
Hugh P. Possingham
University of Adelaide
Katriona Shea
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Chris Wilcox
University of California, Santa Cruz
Douglas W. Yu
Harvard University


  1. Journal Article / 2001

    Competing harvesting strategies in a simulated population under uncertainty

  2. Journal Article / 1998

    What can adaptive management do for our fish, forests, food, and biodiversity?

  3. Report or White Paper / 1997

    NCEAS Working Group on Population Management

  4. Journal Article / 1999

    Management of populations in conservation, harvesting and control

  5. Journal Article / 2002

    Active adaptive management in insect pest and weed control: Intervention with a plan for learning

  6. Journal Article / 2002

    Do life history traits affect the accuracy of diffusion approximations for mean time to extinction?