Workshop: MacroMycoFunc - Forming an integrated understanding of function across fungi
Project Description
Fungi are critical components of our world, contributing to ecosystem function and the global economy. As many fungi live out their lives at sizes smaller than can be perceived with the naked eye, there are large gaps in our knowledge related to the ecology and evolution of fungal diversity and function. It has only been in recent years with the advent of next-generation sequencing that we have begun to understand how fungal communities function in different ecological settings and how they have been structured over evolutionary time. Fungi are known to live their lives in different ways (i.e., ecological guilds) including as pathogens, endophytes, saprobes, and mycorrhizae, and the important functional traits they employ may differ within and across ecological guilds. However, there is frequently little discourse among biologists studying different fungal guilds. Finally, although next-generation sequencing is increasingly one of the main tools we use to study these organisms, we do not yet have community-approved standards and protocols, meaning it can be difficult to compare findings across studies. The objective of our working group is to use this emerging data stream to address previously unanswerable questions in fungal ecology and evolutionary biology at refined taxonomic and expanded spatial scales. The two workshops proposed here will bring together a diverse group of fungal ecologists and evolutionary biologists, as well as plant biologists who bring interdisciplinary expertise on ecological theory from a closely related field.

Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates
Start: April 1, 2016
End: March 31, 2018
- Michelle Afkhami
- University of California, Davis
- Carlos Aguilar-Trigueros
- Freie University Berlin
- M. Catherine Aime
- Purdue University
- Scott Bates
- Mary Berbee
- University of British Columbia
- Posy E. Busby
- Duke University
- Ignazio Carbone
- University of North Carolina
- Natalie Christian
- Indiana University
- Will K. Cornwell
- University of New South Wales
- Tom Crowther
- Yale University
- Bryn Dentinger
- University of Utah
- Dimitrios Floudas
- Lund University
- Romina O. Gazis-Seregina
- University of Tennessee
- David Hibbett
- Clark University
- Chris Todd Hittinger
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Timothy James
- University of Michigan
- Peter Kennedy
- University of Minnesota
- Daniel L. Lindner
- USDA Forest Service
- Francois M. Lutzoni
- Duke University
- Daniel S. Maynard
- Yale University
- Amy M. Milo
- George Washington University
- Habacuc Flores Moreno
- University of New South Wales
- Henrik Nilsson
- University of Gothenburg
- Brad Oberle
- George Washington University
- Kabir Peay
- Stanford University
- Jeff Powell
- Western Sydney University
- Marisol Sanchez Garcia
- Uppsala University
- Mark P. Schildhauer
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jonathan Schilling
- University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- Stephen A. Smith
- University of Michigan
- Joey Spatafora
- Oregon State University
- Jason Stajich
- University of California, Riverside
- Jennifer Talbot
- Boston University
- Kathleen K. Treseder
- University of California, Irvine
- Nathaneal Walker-Hale
- University of Cambridge
- Amy E. Zanne
- George Washington University
Journal Article / 2019
Fungal functional ecology: Bringing a trait-based approach to plant-associated fungi